Theory JVMType
section ‹The JVM Type System as Semilattice›
theory JVMType
imports JType
type_synonym locvars_type = "ty err list"
type_synonym opstack_type = "ty list"
type_synonym state_type = "opstack_type × locvars_type"
type_synonym state = "state_type option err"
type_synonym method_type = "state_type option list"
type_synonym class_type = "sig ⇒ method_type"
type_synonym prog_type = "cname ⇒ class_type"
definition stk_esl :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ ty list esl" where
"stk_esl S maxs == upto_esl maxs (JType.esl S)"
definition reg_sl :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ ty err list sl" where
"reg_sl S maxr == maxr ( (JType.esl S))"
definition sl :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ state sl" where
"sl S maxs maxr == (stk_esl S maxs) (Err.esl(reg_sl S maxr))))"
definition states :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ state set" where
"states S maxs maxr == fst(sl S maxs maxr)"
definition le :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ state ord" where
"le S maxs maxr == fst(snd(sl S maxs maxr))"
definition sup :: "'c prog ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ state binop" where
"sup S maxs maxr == snd(snd(sl S maxs maxr))"
definition sup_ty_opt :: "['code prog,ty err,ty err] ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ <=o _" [71,71] 70) where
"sup_ty_opt G == Err.le (subtype G)"
definition sup_loc :: "['code prog,locvars_type,locvars_type] ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ <=l _" [71,71] 70) where
"sup_loc G == Listn.le (sup_ty_opt G)"
definition sup_state :: "['code prog,state_type,state_type] ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ <=s _" [71,71] 70) where
"sup_state G == Product.le (Listn.le (subtype G)) (sup_loc G)"
definition sup_state_opt :: "['code prog,state_type option,state_type option] ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ <='' _" [71,71] 70) where
"sup_state_opt G == Opt.le (sup_state G)"
lemma JVM_states_unfold:
"states S maxs maxr == err(opt((⋃{list n (types S) |n. n <= maxs}) ×
list maxr (err(types S))))"
apply (unfold states_def sl_def Opt.esl_def Err.sl_def
stk_esl_def reg_sl_def Product.esl_def
Listn.sl_def upto_esl_def JType.esl_def Err.esl_def)
by simp
lemma JVM_le_unfold:
"le S m n ==
Err.le(Opt.le(Product.le(Listn.le(subtype S))(Listn.le(Err.le(subtype S)))))"
apply (unfold le_def sl_def Opt.esl_def Err.sl_def
stk_esl_def reg_sl_def Product.esl_def
Listn.sl_def upto_esl_def JType.esl_def Err.esl_def)
by simp
lemma JVM_le_convert:
"le G m n (OK t1) (OK t2) = G ⊢ t1 <=' t2"
by (simp add: JVM_le_unfold Err.le_def lesub_def sup_state_opt_def
sup_state_def sup_loc_def sup_ty_opt_def)
lemma JVM_le_Err_conv:
"le G m n = Err.le (sup_state_opt G)"
by (unfold sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def sup_loc_def
sup_ty_opt_def JVM_le_unfold) simp
lemma zip_map [rule_format]:
"∀a. length a = length b ⟶
zip (map f a) (map g b) = map (λ(x,y). (f x, g y)) (zip a b)"
apply (induct b)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac aa)
apply simp_all
lemma [simp]: "Err.le r (OK a) (OK b) = r a b"
by (simp add: Err.le_def lesub_def)
lemma stk_convert:
"Listn.le (subtype G) a b = G ⊢ map OK a <=l map OK b"
assume "Listn.le (subtype G) a b"
hence le: "list_all2 (subtype G) a b"
by (unfold Listn.le_def lesub_def)
{ fix x' y'
assume "length a = length b"
"(x',y') ∈ set (zip (map OK a) (map OK b))"
obtain x y where OK:
"x' = OK x" "y' = OK y" "(x,y) ∈ set (zip a b)"
by (auto simp add: zip_map)
with le
have "subtype G x y"
by (simp add: list_all2_iff Ball_def)
with OK
have "G ⊢ x' <=o y'"
by (simp add: sup_ty_opt_def)
with le
show "G ⊢ map OK a <=l map OK b"
by (unfold sup_loc_def Listn.le_def lesub_def list_all2_iff) auto
assume "G ⊢ map OK a <=l map OK b"
thus "Listn.le (subtype G) a b"
apply (unfold sup_loc_def list_all2_iff Listn.le_def lesub_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: zip_map)
apply (drule bspec, assumption)
apply (auto simp add: sup_ty_opt_def subtype_def)
lemma sup_state_conv:
"(G ⊢ s1 <=s s2) ==
(G ⊢ map OK (fst s1) <=l map OK (fst s2)) ∧ (G ⊢ snd s1 <=l snd s2)"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def split_beta)
lemma subtype_refl [simp]:
"subtype G t t"
by (simp add: subtype_def)
theorem sup_ty_opt_refl [simp]:
"G ⊢ t <=o t"
by (simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def lesub_def split: err.split)
lemma le_list_refl2 [simp]:
"(⋀xs. r xs xs) ⟹ Listn.le r xs xs"
by (induct xs, auto simp add: Listn.le_def lesub_def)
theorem sup_loc_refl [simp]:
"G ⊢ t <=l t"
by (simp add: sup_loc_def)
theorem sup_state_refl [simp]:
"G ⊢ s <=s s"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def Product.le_def lesub_def)
theorem sup_state_opt_refl [simp]:
"G ⊢ s <=' s"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def split: option.split)
theorem anyConvErr [simp]:
"(G ⊢ Err <=o any) = (any = Err)"
by (simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def split: err.split)
theorem OKanyConvOK [simp]:
"(G ⊢ (OK ty') <=o (OK ty)) = (G ⊢ ty' ≼ ty)"
by (simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def lesub_def subtype_def)
theorem sup_ty_opt_OK:
"G ⊢ a <=o (OK b) ⟹ ∃ x. a = OK x"
by (clarsimp simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def split: err.splits)
lemma widen_PrimT_conv1 [simp]:
"⟦ G ⊢ S ≼ T; S = PrimT x⟧ ⟹ T = PrimT x"
by (auto elim: widen.cases)
theorem sup_PTS_eq:
"(G ⊢ OK (PrimT p) <=o X) = (X=Err ∨ X = OK (PrimT p))"
by (auto simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def lesub_def subtype_def
split: err.splits)
theorem sup_loc_Nil [iff]:
"(G ⊢ [] <=l XT) = (XT=[])"
by (simp add: sup_loc_def Listn.le_def)
theorem sup_loc_Cons [iff]:
"(G ⊢ (Y#YT) <=l XT) = (∃X XT'. XT=X#XT' ∧ (G ⊢ Y <=o X) ∧ (G ⊢ YT <=l XT'))"
by (simp add: sup_loc_def Listn.le_def lesub_def list_all2_Cons1)
theorem sup_loc_Cons2:
"(G ⊢ YT <=l (X#XT)) = (∃Y YT'. YT=Y#YT' ∧ (G ⊢ Y <=o X) ∧ (G ⊢ YT' <=l XT))"
by (simp add: sup_loc_def Listn.le_def lesub_def list_all2_Cons2)
lemma sup_state_Cons:
"(G ⊢ (x#xt, a) <=s (y#yt, b)) =
((G ⊢ x ≼ y) ∧ (G ⊢ (xt,a) <=s (yt,b)))"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def)
theorem sup_loc_length:
"G ⊢ a <=l b ⟹ length a = length b"
proof -
assume G: "G ⊢ a <=l b"
have "∀b. (G ⊢ a <=l b) ⟶ length a = length b"
by (induct a, auto)
with G
show ?thesis by blast
theorem sup_loc_nth:
"⟦ G ⊢ a <=l b; n < length a ⟧ ⟹ G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (b!n)"
proof -
assume a: "G ⊢ a <=l b" "n < length a"
have "∀ n b. (G ⊢ a <=l b) ⟶ n < length a ⟶ (G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (b!n))"
(is "?P a")
proof (induct a)
show "?P []" by simp
fix x xs assume IH: "?P xs"
show "?P (x#xs)"
proof (intro strip)
fix n b
assume "G ⊢ (x # xs) <=l b" "n < length (x # xs)"
with IH
show "G ⊢ ((x # xs) ! n) <=o (b ! n)"
by (cases n) auto
with a
show ?thesis by blast
theorem all_nth_sup_loc:
"∀b. length a = length b ⟶ (∀ n. n < length a ⟶ (G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (b!n)))
⟶ (G ⊢ a <=l b)" (is "?P a")
proof (induct a)
show "?P []" by simp
fix l ls assume IH: "?P ls"
show "?P (l#ls)"
proof (intro strip)
fix b
assume f: "∀n. n < length (l # ls) ⟶ (G ⊢ ((l # ls) ! n) <=o (b ! n))"
assume l: "length (l#ls) = length b"
then obtain b' bs where b: "b = b'#bs"
by (cases b) (simp, simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
with f
have "∀n. n < length ls ⟶ (G ⊢ (ls!n) <=o (bs!n))"
by auto
with f b l IH
show "G ⊢ (l # ls) <=l b"
by auto
theorem sup_loc_append:
"length a = length b ⟹
(G ⊢ (a@x) <=l (b@y)) = ((G ⊢ a <=l b) ∧ (G ⊢ x <=l y))"
proof -
assume l: "length a = length b"
have "∀b. length a = length b ⟶ (G ⊢ (a@x) <=l (b@y)) = ((G ⊢ a <=l b) ∧
(G ⊢ x <=l y))" (is "?P a")
proof (induct a)
show "?P []" by simp
fix l ls assume IH: "?P ls"
show "?P (l#ls)"
proof (intro strip)
fix b
assume "length (l#ls) = length (b::ty err list)"
with IH
show "(G ⊢ ((l#ls)@x) <=l (b@y)) = ((G ⊢ (l#ls) <=l b) ∧ (G ⊢ x <=l y))"
by (cases b) auto
with l
show ?thesis by blast
theorem sup_loc_rev [simp]:
"(G ⊢ (rev a) <=l rev b) = (G ⊢ a <=l b)"
proof -
have "∀b. (G ⊢ (rev a) <=l rev b) = (G ⊢ a <=l b)" (is "∀b. ?Q a b" is "?P a")
proof (induct a)
show "?P []" by simp
fix l ls assume IH: "?P ls"
fix b
have "?Q (l#ls) b"
proof (cases b)
case Nil
thus ?thesis by (auto dest: sup_loc_length)
case (Cons a list)
show ?thesis
assume "G ⊢ (l # ls) <=l b"
thus "G ⊢ rev (l # ls) <=l rev b"
by (clarsimp simp add: Cons IH sup_loc_length sup_loc_append)
assume "G ⊢ rev (l # ls) <=l rev b"
hence G: "G ⊢ (rev ls @ [l]) <=l (rev list @ [a])"
by (simp add: Cons)
hence "length (rev ls) = length (rev list)"
by (auto dest: sup_loc_length)
from this G
obtain "G ⊢ rev ls <=l rev list" "G ⊢ l <=o a"
by (simp add: sup_loc_append)
thus "G ⊢ (l # ls) <=l b"
by (simp add: Cons IH)
thus "?P (l#ls)" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
theorem sup_loc_update [rule_format]:
"∀ n y. (G ⊢ a <=o b) ⟶ n < length y ⟶ (G ⊢ x <=l y) ⟶
(G ⊢ x[n := a] <=l y[n := b])" (is "?P x")
proof (induct x)
show "?P []" by simp
fix l ls assume IH: "?P ls"
show "?P (l#ls)"
proof (intro strip)
fix n y
assume "G ⊢a <=o b" "G ⊢ (l # ls) <=l y" "n < length y"
with IH
show "G ⊢ (l # ls)[n := a] <=l y[n := b]"
by (cases n) (auto simp add: sup_loc_Cons2 list_all2_Cons1)
theorem sup_state_length [simp]:
"G ⊢ s2 <=s s1 ⟹
length (fst s2) = length (fst s1) ∧ length (snd s2) = length (snd s1)"
by (auto dest: sup_loc_length simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def)
theorem sup_state_append_snd:
"length a = length b ⟹
(G ⊢ (i,a@x) <=s (j,b@y)) = ((G ⊢ (i,a) <=s (j,b)) ∧ (G ⊢ (i,x) <=s (j,y)))"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def sup_loc_append)
theorem sup_state_append_fst:
"length a = length b ⟹
(G ⊢ (a@x,i) <=s (b@y,j)) = ((G ⊢ (a,i) <=s (b,j)) ∧ (G ⊢ (x,i) <=s (y,j)))"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def sup_loc_append)
theorem sup_state_Cons1:
"(G ⊢ (x#xt, a) <=s (yt, b)) =
(∃y yt'. yt=y#yt' ∧ (G ⊢ x ≼ y) ∧ (G ⊢ (xt,a) <=s (yt',b)))"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def)
theorem sup_state_Cons2:
"(G ⊢ (xt, a) <=s (y#yt, b)) =
(∃x xt'. xt=x#xt' ∧ (G ⊢ x ≼ y) ∧ (G ⊢ (xt',a) <=s (yt,b)))"
by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def sup_loc_Cons2)
theorem sup_state_ignore_fst:
"G ⊢ (a, x) <=s (b, y) ⟹ G ⊢ (c, x) <=s (c, y)"
by (simp add: sup_state_def lesub_def Product.le_def)
theorem sup_state_rev_fst:
"(G ⊢ (rev a, x) <=s (rev b, y)) = (G ⊢ (a, x) <=s (b, y))"
proof -
have m: "⋀f x. map f (rev x) = rev (map f x)" by (simp add: rev_map)
show ?thesis by (simp add: m sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def)
lemma sup_state_opt_None_any [iff]:
"(G ⊢ None <=' any) = True"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def split: option.split)
lemma sup_state_opt_any_None [iff]:
"(G ⊢ any <=' None) = (any = None)"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def split: option.split)
lemma sup_state_opt_Some_Some [iff]:
"(G ⊢ (Some a) <=' (Some b)) = (G ⊢ a <=s b)"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def del: split_paired_Ex)
lemma sup_state_opt_any_Some [iff]:
"(G ⊢ (Some a) <=' any) = (∃b. any = Some b ∧ G ⊢ a <=s b)"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def split: option.split)
lemma sup_state_opt_Some_any:
"(G ⊢ any <=' (Some b)) = (any = None ∨ (∃a. any = Some a ∧ G ⊢ a <=s b))"
by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def split: option.split)
theorem sup_ty_opt_trans [trans]:
"⟦G ⊢ a <=o b; G ⊢ b <=o c⟧ ⟹ G ⊢ a <=o c"
by (auto intro: widen_trans
simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def lesub_def subtype_def
split: err.splits)
theorem sup_loc_trans [trans]:
"⟦G ⊢ a <=l b; G ⊢ b <=l c⟧ ⟹ G ⊢ a <=l c"
proof -
assume G: "G ⊢ a <=l b" "G ⊢ b <=l c"
hence "∀ n. n < length a ⟶ (G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (c!n))"
proof (intro strip)
fix n
assume n: "n < length a"
with G(1)
have "G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (b!n)"
by (rule sup_loc_nth)
from n G
have "G ⊢ … <=o (c!n)"
by - (rule sup_loc_nth, auto dest: sup_loc_length)
show "G ⊢ (a!n) <=o (c!n)" .
with G
show ?thesis
by (auto intro!: all_nth_sup_loc [rule_format] dest!: sup_loc_length)
theorem sup_state_trans [trans]:
"⟦G ⊢ a <=s b; G ⊢ b <=s c⟧ ⟹ G ⊢ a <=s c"
by (auto intro: sup_loc_trans simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert Product.le_def lesub_def)
theorem sup_state_opt_trans [trans]:
"⟦G ⊢ a <=' b; G ⊢ b <=' c⟧ ⟹ G ⊢ a <=' c"
by (auto intro: sup_state_trans
simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def
split: option.splits)