Theory JVMListExample
section ‹Example for generating executable code from JVM semantics \label{sec:JVMListExample}›
theory JVMListExample
imports "../J/SystemClasses" JVMExec
text ‹
Since the types \<^typ>‹cnam›, ‹vnam›, and ‹mname› are
anonymous, we describe distinctness of names in the example by axioms:
axiomatization list_nam test_nam :: cnam
where distinct_classes: "list_nam ≠ test_nam"
axiomatization append_name makelist_name :: mname
where distinct_methods: "append_name ≠ makelist_name"
axiomatization val_nam next_nam :: vnam
where distinct_fields: "val_nam ≠ next_nam"
where nat_to_loc'_inject: "nat_to_loc' l = nat_to_loc' l' ⟷ l = l'"
definition list_name :: cname
where "list_name = Cname list_nam"
definition test_name :: cname
where "test_name = Cname test_nam"
definition val_name :: vname
where "val_name = VName val_nam"
definition next_name :: vname
where "next_name = VName next_nam"
definition append_ins :: bytecode where
"append_ins =
[Load 0,
Getfield next_name list_name,
LitPush Null,
Ifcmpeq 4,
Load 1,
Invoke list_name append_name [Class list_name],
Load 0,
Load 1,
Putfield next_name list_name,
LitPush Unit,
definition list_class :: "jvm_method class" where
"list_class =
[(val_name, PrimT Integer), (next_name, Class list_name)],
[((append_name, [Class list_name]), PrimT Void,
(3, 0, append_ins,[(1,2,8,Xcpt NullPointer)]))])"
definition make_list_ins :: bytecode where
"make_list_ins =
[New list_name,
Store 0,
LitPush (Intg 1),
Putfield val_name list_name,
New list_name,
Store 1,
LitPush (Intg 2),
Putfield val_name list_name,
New list_name,
Store 2,
LitPush (Intg 3),
Putfield val_name list_name,
Load 0,
Load 1,
Invoke list_name append_name [Class list_name],
Load 0,
Load 2,
Invoke list_name append_name [Class list_name],
definition test_class :: "jvm_method class" where
"test_class =
(Object, [],
[((makelist_name, []), PrimT Void, (3, 2, make_list_ins,[]))])"
definition E :: jvm_prog where
"E = SystemClasses @ [(list_name, list_class), (test_name, test_class)]"
code_datatype list_nam test_nam
lemma equal_cnam_code [code]:
"HOL.equal list_nam list_nam ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal test_nam test_nam ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal list_nam test_nam ⟷ False"
"HOL.equal test_nam list_nam ⟷ False"
by(simp_all add: distinct_classes distinct_classes[symmetric] equal_cnam_def)
code_datatype append_name makelist_name
lemma equal_mname_code [code]:
"HOL.equal append_name append_name ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal makelist_name makelist_name ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal append_name makelist_name ⟷ False"
"HOL.equal makelist_name append_name ⟷ False"
by(simp_all add: distinct_methods distinct_methods[symmetric] equal_mname_def)
code_datatype val_nam next_nam
lemma equal_vnam_code [code]:
"HOL.equal val_nam val_nam ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal next_nam next_nam ⟷ True"
"HOL.equal val_nam next_nam ⟷ False"
"HOL.equal next_nam val_nam ⟷ False"
by(simp_all add: distinct_fields distinct_fields[symmetric] equal_vnam_def)
lemma equal_loc'_code [code]:
"HOL.equal (nat_to_loc' l) (nat_to_loc' l') ⟷ l = l'"
by(simp add: equal_loc'_def nat_to_loc'_inject)
definition undefined_cname :: cname
where [code del]: "undefined_cname = undefined"
code_datatype Object Xcpt Cname undefined_cname
declare undefined_cname_def[symmetric, code_unfold]
definition undefined_val :: val
where [code del]: "undefined_val = undefined"
declare undefined_val_def[symmetric, code_unfold]
code_datatype Unit Null Bool Intg Addr undefined_val
"test = exec (E, start_state E test_name makelist_name)"
ML_val ‹
@{code test};
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
@{code exec} (@{code E}, @{code the} it);
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