Theory HOL-Examples.Gauss_Numbers

(*   Author:      Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen; based on existing material on complex numbers›

section ‹Gauss Numbers: integral gauss numbers›

theory Gauss_Numbers
  imports "HOL-Library.Centered_Division"

codatatype gauss = Gauss (Re: int) (Im: int)

lemma gauss_eqI [intro?]:
  x = y if Re x = Re y Im x = Im y
  by (rule gauss.expand) (use that in simp)

lemma gauss_eq_iff:
  x = y  Re x = Re y  Im x = Im y
  by (auto intro: gauss_eqI)

subsection ‹Basic arithmetic›

instantiation gauss :: comm_ring_1

primcorec zero_gauss :: gauss
    Re 0 = 0
  | Im 0 = 0

primcorec one_gauss :: gauss
    Re 1 = 1
  | Im 1 = 0

primcorec plus_gauss :: gauss  gauss  gauss
    Re (x + y) = Re x + Re y
  | Im (x + y) = Im x + Im y

primcorec uminus_gauss :: gauss  gauss
    Re (- x) = - Re x
  | Im (- x) = - Im x

primcorec minus_gauss :: gauss  gauss  gauss
    Re (x - y) = Re x - Re y
  | Im (x - y) = Im x - Im y

primcorec times_gauss :: gauss  gauss  gauss
    Re (x * y) = Re x * Re y - Im x * Im y
  | Im (x * y) = Re x * Im y + Im x * Re y

  by standard (simp_all add: gauss_eq_iff algebra_simps)


lemma of_nat_gauss:
  of_nat n = Gauss (int n) 0
  by (induction n) (simp_all add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma numeral_gauss:
  numeral n = Gauss (numeral n) 0
proof -
  have numeral n = (of_nat (numeral n) :: gauss)
    by simp
  also have  = Gauss (of_nat (numeral n)) 0
    by (simp add: of_nat_gauss)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma of_int_gauss:
  of_int k = Gauss k 0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff of_int_of_nat of_nat_gauss)

lemma conversion_simps [simp]:
  Re (numeral m) = numeral m
  Im (numeral m) = 0
  Re (of_nat n) = int n
  Im (of_nat n) = 0
  Re (of_int k) = k
  Im (of_int k) = 0
  by (simp_all add: numeral_gauss of_nat_gauss of_int_gauss)

lemma gauss_eq_0:
  z = 0  (Re z)2 + (Im z)2 = 0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff sum_power2_eq_zero_iff)

lemma gauss_neq_0:
  z  0  (Re z)2 + (Im z)2 > 0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_0 sum_power2_ge_zero less_le)

lemma Re_sum [simp]:
  Re (sum f s) = (xs. Re (f x))
  by (induct s rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto

lemma Im_sum [simp]:
  Im (sum f s) = (xs. Im (f x))
  by (induct s rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto

instance gauss :: idom
  fix x y :: gauss
  assume x  0 y  0
  then show x * y  0
    by (simp_all add: gauss_eq_iff)
      (smt (verit, best) mult_eq_0_iff mult_neg_neg mult_neg_pos mult_pos_neg mult_pos_pos)

subsection ‹The Gauss Number $i$›

primcorec imaginary_unit :: gauss  (𝗂)
    Re 𝗂 = 0
  | Im 𝗂 = 1

lemma Gauss_eq:
  Gauss a b = of_int a + 𝗂 * of_int b
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_eq:
  a = of_int (Re a) + 𝗂 * of_int (Im a)
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_i_not_zero [simp]:
  𝗂  0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_i_not_one [simp]:
  𝗂  1
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_i_not_numeral [simp]:
  𝗂  numeral n
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_i_not_neg_numeral [simp]:
  𝗂  - numeral n
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma i_mult_i_eq [simp]:
  𝗂 * 𝗂 = - 1
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_i_mult_minus [simp]:
  𝗂 * (𝗂 * x) = - x
  by (simp flip: mult.assoc)

lemma i_squared [simp]:
  𝗂2 = - 1
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma i_even_power [simp]:
  𝗂 ^ (n * 2) = (- 1) ^ n
  unfolding mult.commute [of n] power_mult by simp

lemma Re_i_times [simp]:
  Re (𝗂 * z) = - Im z
  by simp

lemma Im_i_times [simp]:
  Im (𝗂 * z) = Re z
  by simp

lemma i_times_eq_iff:
  𝗂 * w = z  w = - (𝗂 * z)
  by auto

lemma is_unit_i [simp]:
  𝗂 dvd 1
  by (rule dvdI [of _ _ - 𝗂]) simp

lemma gauss_numeral [code_post]:
  Gauss 0 0 = 0
  Gauss 1 0 = 1
  Gauss (- 1) 0 = - 1
  Gauss (numeral n) 0 = numeral n
  Gauss (- numeral n) 0 = - numeral n
  Gauss 0 1 = 𝗂
  Gauss 0 (- 1) = - 𝗂
  Gauss 0 (numeral n) = numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss 0 (- numeral n) = - numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss 1 1 = 1 + 𝗂
  Gauss (- 1) 1 = - 1 + 𝗂
  Gauss (numeral n) 1 = numeral n + 𝗂
  Gauss (- numeral n) 1 = - numeral n + 𝗂
  Gauss 1 (- 1) = 1 - 𝗂
  Gauss 1 (numeral n) = 1 + numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss 1 (- numeral n) = 1 - numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (- 1) (- 1) = - 1 - 𝗂
  Gauss (numeral n) (- 1) = numeral n - 𝗂
  Gauss (- numeral n) (- 1) = - numeral n - 𝗂
  Gauss (- 1) (numeral n) = - 1 + numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (- 1) (- numeral n) = - 1 - numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (numeral m) (numeral n) = numeral m + numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (- numeral m) (numeral n) = - numeral m + numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (numeral m) (- numeral n) = numeral m - numeral n * 𝗂
  Gauss (- numeral m) (- numeral n) = - numeral m - numeral n * 𝗂
  by (simp_all add: gauss_eq_iff)

subsection ‹Gauss Conjugation›

primcorec cnj :: gauss  gauss
    Re (cnj z) = Re z
  | Im (cnj z) = - Im z

lemma gauss_cnj_cancel_iff [simp]:
  cnj x = cnj y  x = y
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_cnj [simp]:
  cnj (cnj z) = z
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_zero [simp]:
  cnj 0 = 0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_zero_iff [iff]:
  cnj z = 0  z = 0
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_one_iff [simp]:
  cnj z = 1  z = 1
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_add [simp]:
  cnj (x + y) = cnj x + cnj y
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma cnj_sum [simp]:
  cnj (sum f s) = (xs. cnj (f x))
  by (induct s rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto

lemma gauss_cnj_diff [simp]:
  cnj (x - y) = cnj x - cnj y
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_minus [simp]:
  cnj (- x) = - cnj x
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_one [simp]:
  cnj 1 = 1
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_mult [simp]:
  cnj (x * y) = cnj x * cnj y
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma cnj_prod [simp]:
  cnj (prod f s) = (xs. cnj (f x))
  by (induct s rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto

lemma gauss_cnj_power [simp]:
  cnj (x ^ n) = cnj x ^ n
  by (induct n) simp_all

lemma gauss_cnj_numeral [simp]:
  cnj (numeral w) = numeral w
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_of_nat [simp]:
  cnj (of_nat n) = of_nat n
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_of_int [simp]:
  cnj (of_int z) = of_int z
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_cnj_i [simp]:
  cnj 𝗂 = - 𝗂
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_add_cnj:
  z + cnj z = of_int (2 * Re z)
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_diff_cnj:
  z - cnj z = of_int (2 * Im z) * 𝗂
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_mult_cnj:
  z * cnj z = of_int ((Re z)2 + (Im z)2)
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff power2_eq_square)

lemma cnj_add_mult_eq_Re:
  z * cnj w + cnj z * w = of_int (2 * Re (z * cnj w))
  by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)

lemma gauss_In_mult_cnj_zero [simp]:
  Im (z * cnj z) = 0
  by simp

subsection ‹Algebraic division›

instantiation gauss :: idom_modulo

primcorec divide_gauss :: gauss  gauss  gauss
    Re (x div y) = (Re x * Re y + Im x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2)
  | Im (x div y) = (Im x * Re y - Re x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2)

primcorec modulo_gauss :: gauss  gauss  gauss
    Re (x mod y) = Re x -
      ((Re x * Re y + Im x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2) * Re y -
       (Im x * Re y - Re x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2) * Im y)
  | Im (x mod y) = Im x -
      ((Re x * Re y + Im x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2) * Im y +
       (Im x * Re y - Re x * Im y) cdiv ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2) * Re y)

instance proof
  fix x y :: gauss
  show x div 0 = 0
    by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)
  show x * y div y = x if y  0
  proof -
    define Y where Y = (Re y)2 + (Im y)2
    moreover have Y > 0
      using that by (simp add: gauss_eq_0 less_le Y_def)
    have *: Im y * (Im y * Re x) + Re x * (Re y * Re y) = Re x * Y
      Im x * (Im y * Im y) + Im x * (Re y * Re y) = Im x * Y
      (Im y)2 + (Re y)2 = Y
      by (simp_all add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps Y_def)
    from Y > 0 show ?thesis
      by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff algebra_simps) (simp add: * nonzero_mult_cdiv_cancel_right)
  show x div y * y + x mod y = x
    by (simp add: gauss_eq_iff)


instantiation gauss :: euclidean_ring

definition euclidean_size_gauss :: gauss  nat
  where euclidean_size x = nat ((Re x)2 + (Im x)2)

instance proof
  show euclidean_size (0::gauss) = 0
    by (simp add: euclidean_size_gauss_def)
  show euclidean_size (x mod y) < euclidean_size y if y  0 for x y :: gauss
    define X and Y and R and I
      where X = (Re x)2 + (Im x)2 and Y = (Re y)2 + (Im y)2
        and R = Re x * Re y + Im x * Im y and I = Im x * Re y - Re x * Im y
    with that have 0 < Y and rhs: int (euclidean_size y) = Y
      by (simp_all add: gauss_neq_0 euclidean_size_gauss_def)
    have X * Y = R2 + I2
      by (simp add: R_def I_def X_def Y_def power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
    let ?lhs = X - I * (I cdiv Y) - R * (R cdiv Y)
        - I cdiv Y * (I cmod Y) - R cdiv Y * (R cmod Y)
    have ?lhs = X + Y * (R cdiv Y) * (R cdiv Y) + Y * (I cdiv Y) * (I cdiv Y)
        - 2 * (R cdiv Y * R + I cdiv Y * I)
      by (simp flip: minus_cmod_eq_mult_cdiv add: algebra_simps)
    also have  = (Re (x mod y))2 + (Im (x mod y))2
      by (simp add: X_def Y_def R_def I_def algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    finally have lhs: int (euclidean_size (x mod y)) = ?lhs
      by (simp add: euclidean_size_gauss_def)
    have ?lhs * Y = (I cmod Y)2 + (R cmod Y)2
      apply (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square X * Y = R2 + I2)
      apply (simp flip: mult.assoc add.assoc minus_cmod_eq_mult_cdiv)
      apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
    also have   (Y div 2)2 + (Y div 2)2
      by (rule add_mono) (use Y > 0 abs_cmod_less_equal [of Y] in simp_all add: power2_le_iff_abs_le)
    also have  < Y2
      using Y > 0 by (cases Y = 1) (simp_all add: power2_eq_square mult_le_less_imp_less flip: mult.assoc)
    finally have ?lhs * Y < Y2 .
    with Y > 0 have ?lhs < Y
      by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    then have int (euclidean_size (x mod y)) < int (euclidean_size y)
      by (simp only: lhs rhs)
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  show euclidean_size x  euclidean_size (x * y) if y  0 for x y :: gauss
  proof -
    from that have euclidean_size y > 0
      by (simp add: euclidean_size_gauss_def gauss_neq_0)
    then have euclidean_size x  euclidean_size x * euclidean_size y
      by simp
    also have  = nat (((Re x)2 + (Im x)2) * ((Re y)2 + (Im y)2))
      by (simp add: euclidean_size_gauss_def nat_mult_distrib)
    also have  = euclidean_size (x * y)
      by (simp add: euclidean_size_gauss_def eq_nat_nat_iff) (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    finally show ?thesis .

