Theory CertifiedEmail
section‹The Certified Electronic Mail Protocol by Abadi et al.›
theory CertifiedEmail imports Public begin
TTP :: agent where
"TTP == Server"
RPwd :: "agent ⇒ key" where
"RPwd == shrK"
NoAuth :: nat
TTPAuth :: nat
SAuth :: nat
BothAuth :: nat
text‹We formalize a fixed way of computing responses. Could be better.›
definition "response" :: "agent ⇒ agent ⇒ nat ⇒ msg" where
"response S R q == Hash ⦃Agent S, Key (shrK R), Nonce q⦄"
inductive_set certified_mail :: "event list set"
"[] ∈ certified_mail"
| Fake:
"⟦evsf ∈ certified_mail; X ∈ synth(analz(spies evsf))⟧
⟹ Says Spy B X # evsf ∈ certified_mail"
| FakeSSL:
"⟦evsfssl ∈ certified_mail; X ∈ synth(analz(spies evsfssl))⟧
⟹ Notes TTP ⦃Agent Spy, Agent TTP, X⦄ # evsfssl ∈ certified_mail"
| CM1:
"⟦evs1 ∈ certified_mail;
Key K ∉ used evs1;
K ∈ symKeys;
Nonce q ∉ used evs1;
hs = Hash⦃Number cleartext, Nonce q, response S R q, Crypt K (Number m)⦄;
S2TTP = Crypt(pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number BothAuth, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄⟧
⟹ Says S R ⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number BothAuth,
Number cleartext, Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ # evs1
∈ certified_mail"
| CM2:
"⟦evs2 ∈ certified_mail;
Gets R ⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, em, Number BothAuth, Number cleartext,
Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ ∈ set evs2;
TTP ≠ R;
hr = Hash ⦃Number cleartext, Nonce q, response S R q, em⦄⟧
Notes TTP ⦃Agent R, Agent TTP, S2TTP, Key(RPwd R), hr⦄ # evs2
∈ certified_mail"
| CM3:
"⟦evs3 ∈ certified_mail;
Notes TTP ⦃Agent R, Agent TTP, S2TTP, Key(RPwd R), hr⦄ ∈ set evs3;
S2TTP = Crypt (pubEK TTP)
⦃Agent S, Number BothAuth, Key k, Agent R, hs⦄;
TTP ≠ R; hs = hr; k ∈ symKeys⟧
Notes R ⦃Agent TTP, Agent R, Key k, hr⦄ #
Gets S (Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP) #
Says TTP S (Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP) # evs3 ∈ certified_mail"
| Reception:
"⟦evsr ∈ certified_mail; Says A B X ∈ set evsr⟧
⟹ Gets B X#evsr ∈ certified_mail"
declare Says_imp_knows_Spy [THEN analz.Inj, dest]
declare analz_into_parts [dest]
lemma "⟦Key K ∉ used []; K ∈ symKeys⟧ ⟹
∃S2TTP. ∃evs ∈ certified_mail.
Says TTP S (Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP) ∈ set evs"
apply (intro exI bexI)
apply (rule_tac [2] certified_mail.Nil
[THEN certified_mail.CM1, THEN certified_mail.Reception,
THEN certified_mail.CM2,
THEN certified_mail.CM3])
apply (possibility, auto)
lemma Gets_imp_Says:
"⟦Gets B X ∈ set evs; evs ∈ certified_mail⟧ ⟹ ∃A. Says A B X ∈ set evs"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, auto)
lemma Gets_imp_parts_knows_Spy:
"⟦Gets A X ∈ set evs; evs ∈ certified_mail⟧ ⟹ X ∈ parts(spies evs)"
apply (drule Gets_imp_Says, simp)
apply (blast dest: Says_imp_knows_Spy parts.Inj)
lemma CM2_S2TTP_analz_knows_Spy:
"⟦Gets R ⦃Agent A, Agent B, em, Number AO, Number cleartext,
Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ ∈ set evs;
evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ S2TTP ∈ analz(spies evs)"
apply (drule Gets_imp_Says, simp)
apply (blast dest: Says_imp_knows_Spy analz.Inj)
lemmas CM2_S2TTP_parts_knows_Spy =
CM2_S2TTP_analz_knows_Spy [THEN analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD]]
lemma hr_form_lemma [rule_format]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail
⟹ hr ∉ synth (analz (spies evs)) ⟶
(∀S2TTP. Notes TTP ⦃Agent R, Agent TTP, S2TTP, pwd, hr⦄
∈ set evs ⟶
(∃clt q S em. hr = Hash ⦃Number clt, Nonce q, response S R q, em⦄))"
apply (erule certified_mail.induct)
apply (synth_analz_mono_contra, simp_all, blast+)
text‹Cannot strengthen the first disjunct to \<^term>‹R≠Spy› because
the fakessl rule allows Spy to spoof the sender's name. Maybe can
strengthen the second disjunct with \<^term>‹R≠Spy›.›
lemma hr_form:
"⟦Notes TTP ⦃Agent R, Agent TTP, S2TTP, pwd, hr⦄ ∈ set evs;
evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ hr ∈ synth (analz (spies evs)) |
(∃clt q S em. hr = Hash ⦃Number clt, Nonce q, response S R q, em⦄)"
by (blast intro: hr_form_lemma)
lemma Spy_dont_know_private_keys [dest!]:
"⟦Key (privateKey b A) ∈ parts (spies evs); evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ A ∈ bad"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_insert_in_Un)
txt‹Message 1›
apply blast
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (elim disjE exE)
apply (simp_all add: parts_insert2)
apply (force dest!: parts_insert_subset_Un [THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD], blast)
lemma Spy_know_private_keys_iff [simp]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail
⟹ (Key (privateKey b A) ∈ parts (spies evs)) = (A ∈ bad)"
by blast
lemma Spy_dont_know_TTPKey_parts [simp]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹ Key (privateKey b TTP) ∉ parts(spies evs)"
by simp
lemma Spy_dont_know_TTPKey_analz [simp]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹ Key (privateKey b TTP) ∉ analz(spies evs)"
by auto
text‹Thus, prove any goal that assumes that \<^term>‹Spy› knows a private key
belonging to \<^term>‹TTP››
declare Spy_dont_know_TTPKey_parts [THEN [2] rev_notE, elim!]
lemma CM3_k_parts_knows_Spy:
"⟦evs ∈ certified_mail;
Notes TTP ⦃Agent A, Agent TTP,
Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K,
Agent R, hs⦄, Key (RPwd R), hs⦄ ∈ set evs⟧
⟹ Key K ∈ parts(spies evs)"
apply (rotate_tac 1)
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (blast intro:parts_insertI)
txt‹Fake SSL›
apply (blast dest: parts.Body)
txt‹Message 2›
apply (blast dest!: Gets_imp_Says elim!: knows_Spy_partsEs)
txt‹Message 3›
apply (metis parts_insertI)
lemma Spy_dont_know_RPwd [rule_format]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹ Key (RPwd A) ∈ parts(spies evs) ⟶ A ∈ bad"
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_insert_in_Un)
txt‹Message 1›
apply blast
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule CM3_k_parts_knows_Spy, assumption)
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (elim disjE exE)
apply (simp_all add: parts_insert2)
apply (force dest!: parts_insert_subset_Un [THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
lemma Spy_know_RPwd_iff [simp]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹ (Key (RPwd A) ∈ parts(spies evs)) = (A∈bad)"
by (auto simp add: Spy_dont_know_RPwd)
lemma Spy_analz_RPwd_iff [simp]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹ (Key (RPwd A) ∈ analz(spies evs)) = (A∈bad)"
by (metis Spy_know_RPwd_iff Spy_spies_bad_shrK analz.Inj analz_into_parts)
text‹Unused, but a guarantee of sorts›
theorem CertAutenticity:
"⟦Crypt (priSK TTP) X ∈ parts (spies evs); evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ ∃A. Says TTP A (Crypt (priSK TTP) X) ∈ set evs"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Spy_dont_know_private_keys Fake_parts_insert_in_Un)
txt‹Message 1›
apply blast
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (elim disjE exE)
apply (simp_all add: parts_insert2 parts_insert_knows_A)
apply (blast dest!: Fake_parts_sing_imp_Un, blast)
subsection‹Proving Confidentiality Results›
lemma analz_image_freshK [rule_format]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹
∀K KK. invKey (pubEK TTP) ∉ KK ⟶
(Key K ∈ analz (Key`KK ∪ (spies evs))) =
(K ∈ KK | Key K ∈ analz (spies evs))"
apply (erule certified_mail.induct)
apply (drule_tac [6] A=TTP in symKey_neq_priEK)
apply (erule_tac [6] disjE [OF hr_form])
apply (drule_tac [5] CM2_S2TTP_analz_knows_Spy)
prefer 9
apply (elim exE)
apply (simp_all add: synth_analz_insert_eq
subset_trans [OF _ subset_insertI]
subset_trans [OF _ Un_upper2]
del: image_insert image_Un add: analz_image_freshK_simps)
lemma analz_insert_freshK:
"⟦evs ∈ certified_mail; KAB ≠ invKey (pubEK TTP)⟧ ⟹
(Key K ∈ analz (insert (Key KAB) (spies evs))) =
(K = KAB | Key K ∈ analz (spies evs))"
by (simp only: analz_image_freshK analz_image_freshK_simps)
text‹\<^term>‹S2TTP› must have originated from a valid sender
provided \<^term>‹K› is secure. Proof is surprisingly hard.›
lemma Notes_SSL_imp_used:
"⟦Notes B ⦃Agent A, Agent B, X⦄ ∈ set evs⟧ ⟹ X ∈ used evs"
by (blast dest!: Notes_imp_used)
lemma S2TTP_sender_lemma [rule_format]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹
Key K ∉ analz (spies evs) ⟶
(∀AO. Crypt (pubEK TTP)
⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄ ∈ used evs ⟶
(∃m ctxt q.
hs = Hash⦃Number ctxt, Nonce q, response S R q, Crypt K (Number m)⦄ ∧
Says S R
⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number ctxt, Nonce q,
Crypt (pubEK TTP)
⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs ⦄⦄ ∈ set evs))"
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, analz_mono_contra)
apply (drule_tac [5] CM2_S2TTP_parts_knows_Spy, simp)
apply (simp add: used_Nil Crypt_notin_initState, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_sing [THEN subsetD]
dest!: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
txt‹Fake SSL›
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_sing [THEN subsetD]
dest: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
txt‹Message 1›
apply (clarsimp, blast)
txt‹Message 2›
apply (simp add: parts_insert2, clarify)
apply (metis parts_cut Un_empty_left usedI)
txt‹Message 3›
apply (blast dest: Notes_SSL_imp_used used_parts_subset_parts)
lemma S2TTP_sender:
"⟦Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄ ∈ used evs;
Key K ∉ analz (spies evs);
evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ ∃m ctxt q.
hs = Hash⦃Number ctxt, Nonce q, response S R q, Crypt K (Number m)⦄ ∧
Says S R
⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number ctxt, Nonce q,
Crypt (pubEK TTP)
⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄⦄ ∈ set evs"
by (blast intro: S2TTP_sender_lemma)
text‹Nobody can have used non-existent keys!›
lemma new_keys_not_used [simp]:
"⟦Key K ∉ used evs; K ∈ symKeys; evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ K ∉ keysFor (parts (spies evs))"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (force dest!: keysFor_parts_insert)
txt‹Message 1›
apply blast
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule CM3_k_parts_knows_Spy, assumption)
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (force dest!: keysFor_parts_insert)
text‹Less easy to prove \<^term>‹m'=m›. Maybe needs a separate unicity
theorem for ciphertexts of the form \<^term>‹Crypt K (Number m)›,
where \<^term>‹K› is secure.›
lemma Key_unique_lemma [rule_format]:
"evs ∈ certified_mail ⟹
Key K ∉ analz (spies evs) ⟶
(∀m cleartext q hs.
Says S R
⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number cleartext, Nonce q,
Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄⦄
∈ set evs ⟶
(∀m' cleartext' q' hs'.
Says S' R'
⦃Agent S', Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m'), Number AO',
Number cleartext', Nonce q',
Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S', Number AO', Key K, Agent R', hs'⦄⦄
∈ set evs ⟶ R' = R ∧ S' = S ∧ AO' = AO ∧ hs' = hs))"
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, analz_mono_contra, simp_all)
prefer 2
txt‹Message 1›
apply (blast dest!: Says_imp_knows_Spy [THEN parts.Inj] new_keys_not_used Crypt_imp_keysFor)
apply (auto dest!: usedI S2TTP_sender analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
text‹The key determines the sender, recipient and protocol options.›
lemma Key_unique:
"⟦Says S R
⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number cleartext, Nonce q,
Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄⦄
∈ set evs;
Says S' R'
⦃Agent S', Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m'), Number AO',
Number cleartext', Nonce q',
Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S', Number AO', Key K, Agent R', hs'⦄⦄
∈ set evs;
Key K ∉ analz (spies evs);
evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ R' = R ∧ S' = S ∧ AO' = AO ∧ hs' = hs"
by (rule Key_unique_lemma, assumption+)
subsection‹The Guarantees for Sender and Recipient›
text‹A Sender's guarantee:
If Spy gets the key then \<^term>‹R› is bad and \<^term>‹S› moreover
gets his return receipt (and therefore has no grounds for complaint).›
theorem S_fairness_bad_R:
"⟦Says S R ⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number cleartext, Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ ∈ set evs;
S2TTP = Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄;
Key K ∈ analz (spies evs);
evs ∈ certified_mail;
⟹ R ∈ bad ∧ Gets S (Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP) ∈ set evs"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply spy_analz
txt‹Fake SSL›
apply spy_analz
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (elim disjE exE)
apply (simp_all add: synth_analz_insert_eq
subset_trans [OF _ subset_insertI]
subset_trans [OF _ Un_upper2]
del: image_insert image_Un add: analz_image_freshK_simps)
apply (simp_all add: symKey_neq_priEK analz_insert_freshK)
apply (blast dest: Notes_SSL_imp_used S2TTP_sender Key_unique)+
text‹Confidentially for the symmetric key›
theorem Spy_not_see_encrypted_key:
"⟦Says S R ⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number cleartext, Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ ∈ set evs;
S2TTP = Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄;
evs ∈ certified_mail;
S≠Spy; R ∉ bad⟧
⟹ Key K ∉ analz(spies evs)"
by (blast dest: S_fairness_bad_R)
text‹Agent \<^term>‹R›, who may be the Spy, doesn't receive the key
until \<^term>‹S› has access to the return receipt.›
theorem S_guarantee:
"⟦Says S R ⦃Agent S, Agent TTP, Crypt K (Number m), Number AO,
Number cleartext, Nonce q, S2TTP⦄ ∈ set evs;
S2TTP = Crypt (pubEK TTP) ⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R, hs⦄;
Notes R ⦃Agent TTP, Agent R, Key K, hs⦄ ∈ set evs;
S≠Spy; evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ Gets S (Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP) ∈ set evs"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
txt‹Message 1›
apply (blast dest: Notes_imp_used)
txt‹Message 3›
apply (blast dest: Notes_SSL_imp_used S2TTP_sender Key_unique S_fairness_bad_R)
text‹If \<^term>‹R› sends message 2, and a delivery certificate exists,
then \<^term>‹R› receives the necessary key. This result is also important
to \<^term>‹S›, as it confirms the validity of the return receipt.›
theorem RR_validity:
"⟦Crypt (priSK TTP) S2TTP ∈ used evs;
S2TTP = Crypt (pubEK TTP)
⦃Agent S, Number AO, Key K, Agent R,
Hash ⦃Number cleartext, Nonce q, r, em⦄⦄;
hr = Hash ⦃Number cleartext, Nonce q, r, em⦄;
R≠Spy; evs ∈ certified_mail⟧
⟹ Notes R ⦃Agent TTP, Agent R, Key K, hr⦄ ∈ set evs"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (erule certified_mail.induct, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_sing [THEN subsetD]
dest!: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
txt‹Fake SSL›
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_sing [THEN subsetD]
dest!: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])
txt‹Message 2›
apply (drule CM2_S2TTP_parts_knows_Spy, assumption)
apply (force dest: parts_cut)
txt‹Message 3›
apply (frule_tac hr_form, assumption)
apply (elim disjE exE, simp_all)
apply (blast dest: Fake_parts_sing [THEN subsetD]
dest!: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD])