Theory Domain_ex
section ‹Domain package examples›
theory Domain_ex
imports HOLCF
text ‹Domain constructors are strict by default.›
domain d1 = d1a | d1b "d1" "d1"
lemma "d1b⋅⊥⋅y = ⊥" by simp
text ‹Constructors can be made lazy using the ‹lazy› keyword.›
domain d2 = d2a | d2b (lazy "d2")
lemma "d2b⋅x ≠ ⊥" by simp
text ‹Strict and lazy arguments may be mixed arbitrarily.›
domain d3 = d3a | d3b (lazy "d2") "d2"
lemma "P (d3b⋅x⋅y = ⊥) ⟷ P (y = ⊥)" by simp
text ‹Selectors can be used with strict or lazy constructor arguments.›
domain d4 = d4a | d4b (lazy d4b_left :: "d2") (d4b_right :: "d2")
lemma "y ≠ ⊥ ⟹ d4b_left⋅(d4b⋅x⋅y) = x" by simp
text ‹Mixfix declarations can be given for data constructors.›
domain d5 = d5a | d5b (lazy "d5") "d5" (infixl ":#:" 70)
lemma "d5a ≠ x :#: y :#: z" by simp
text ‹Mixfix declarations can also be given for type constructors.›
domain ('a, 'b) lazypair (infixl ":*:" 25) =
lpair (lazy lfst :: 'a) (lazy lsnd :: 'b) (infixl ":*:" 75)
lemma "∀p::('a :*: 'b). p ⊑ lfst⋅p :*: lsnd⋅p"
by (rule allI, case_tac p, simp_all)
text ‹Non-recursive constructor arguments can have arbitrary types.›
domain ('a, 'b) d6 = d6 "int lift" "'a ⊕ 'b u" (lazy "('a :*: 'b) × ('b → 'a)")
text ‹
Indirect recusion is allowed for sums, products, lifting, and the
continuous function space. However, the domain package does not
generate an induction rule in terms of the constructors.
domain 'a d7 = d7a "'a d7 ⊕ int lift" | d7b "'a ⊗ 'a d7" | d7c (lazy "'a d7 → 'a")
text ‹Note that ‹d7.induct› is absent.›
text ‹
Indirect recursion is also allowed using previously-defined datatypes.
domain 'a slist = SNil | SCons 'a "'a slist"
domain 'a stree = STip | SBranch "'a stree slist"
text ‹Mutually-recursive datatypes can be defined using the ‹and› keyword.›