Theory SatChecker

(*  Title:      HOL/Imperative_HOL/ex/SatChecker.thy
    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen

section ‹An efficient checker for proofs from a SAT solver›

theory SatChecker
imports "HOL-Library.RBT_Impl" Sorted_List "../Imperative_HOL"

section‹General settings and functions for our representation of clauses›

subsection‹Types for Literals, Clauses and ProofSteps›
text ‹We encode Literals as integers and Clauses as sorted Lists.›

type_synonym ClauseId = nat
type_synonym Lit = int
type_synonym Clause = "Lit list"

text ‹This resembles exactly to Isat's Proof Steps›

type_synonym Resolvants = "ClauseId * (Lit * ClauseId) list"
datatype ProofStep =
  ProofDone bool
  | Root ClauseId Clause
  | Conflict ClauseId Resolvants
  | Delete ClauseId
  | Xstep ClauseId ClauseId

subsection‹Interpretation of Literals, Clauses, and an array of Clauses› 
text ‹Specific definitions for Literals as integers›

definition compl :: "Lit  Lit"
  "compl a = -a"

definition interpLit :: "(nat  bool)  Lit  bool"
  "interpLit assgnmt lit = (if lit > 0 then assgnmt (nat lit) else (if (lit < 0) then ¬ (assgnmt (nat (- lit))) else undefined))"

lemma interpLit_compl[simp]:
  assumes lit_not_zero: "lit  0"
  shows "interpLit a (compl lit) = (¬ interpLit a lit)"
unfolding interpLit_def compl_def using lit_not_zero by auto

lemma compl_compl_is_id[simp]:
  "compl (compl x) = x"
unfolding compl_def by simp

lemma compl_not_zero[simp]:
  "(compl x  0) = (x  0)"
unfolding compl_def by simp

lemma compl_exists: "l'. l = compl l'"
unfolding compl_def by arith

text ‹Specific definitions for Clauses as sorted lists›

definition interpClause :: "(nat  bool)  Clause  bool"
  "interpClause assgnmt cl = ( l  set cl. interpLit assgnmt l)" 

lemma interpClause_empty[simp]:
  "interpClause a [] = False" 
unfolding interpClause_def by simp

lemma interpClause_sort[simp]: "interpClause a (sort clause) = interpClause a clause"
unfolding interpClause_def
by simp

lemma interpClause_remdups[simp]: "interpClause a (remdups clause) = interpClause a clause"
unfolding interpClause_def
by simp

  "inconsistent cs = (a.cset cs. ¬ interpClause a c)"

lemma interpClause_resolvants':
  assumes lit_not_zero: "lit  0"
  assumes resolv_clauses: "lit  cli" "compl lit  clj"
  assumes interp: "x  cli. interpLit a x" "x  clj. interpLit a x"
  shows "x  (cli - {lit}  (clj - {compl lit})). interpLit a x"
proof -
  from resolv_clauses interp have "(l  cli - {lit}. interpLit a l)  interpLit a lit"
    "(l  clj - {compl lit}. interpLit a l)  interpLit a (compl lit)" by auto
  with lit_not_zero show ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: bex_Un)

lemma interpClause_resolvants:
  assumes lit_not_zero: "lit  0"
  assumes sorted_and_distinct: "sorted cli" "distinct cli" "sorted clj" "distinct clj"
  assumes resolv_clauses: "lit  set cli" "compl lit  set clj"
  assumes interp: "interpClause a cli" "interpClause a clj"
  shows "interpClause a (merge (remove lit cli) (remove (compl lit) clj))"
proof -
  from lit_not_zero resolv_clauses interp sorted_and_distinct show ?thesis
    unfolding interpClause_def
    using interpClause_resolvants' by simp

definition correctClause :: "Clause list  Clause  bool"
  "correctClause rootcls cl = (a. (rcl  set rootcls. interpClause a rcl)  (interpClause a cl))"

lemma correctClause_resolvants:
  assumes lit_not_zero: "lit  0"
  assumes sorted_and_distinct: "sorted cli" "distinct cli" "sorted clj" "distinct clj"
  assumes resolv_clauses: "lit  set cli" "compl lit  set clj"
  assumes correct: "correctClause r cli" "correctClause r clj"
  shows "correctClause r (merge (remove lit cli) (remove (compl lit) clj))"
  using assms interpClause_resolvants unfolding correctClause_def by auto

lemma implies_empty_inconsistent: 
  "correctClause cs []  inconsistent cs"
unfolding inconsistent_def correctClause_def
by auto

text ‹Specific definition for derived clauses in the Array›

  array_ran :: "('a::heap) option array  heap  'a set" where
  "array_ran a h = {e. Some e  set (Array.get h a)}"
    ― ‹FIXME›

lemma array_ranI: " Some b = Array.get h a ! i; i < Array.length h a   b  array_ran a h"
unfolding array_ran_def Array.length_def by simp

lemma array_ran_upd_array_Some:
  assumes "cl  array_ran a (Array.update a i (Some b) h)"
  shows "cl  array_ran a h  cl = b"
proof -
  have "set ((Array.get h a)[i := Some b])  insert (Some b) (set (Array.get h a))" by (rule set_update_subset_insert)
  with assms show ?thesis 
    unfolding array_ran_def Array.update_def by fastforce

lemma array_ran_upd_array_None:
  assumes "cl  array_ran a (Array.update a i None h)"
  shows "cl  array_ran a h"
proof -
  have "set ((Array.get h a)[i := None])  insert None (set (Array.get h a))" by (rule set_update_subset_insert)
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding array_ran_def Array.update_def by auto

definition correctArray :: "Clause list  Clause option array  heap  bool"
  "correctArray rootcls a h =
  (cl  array_ran a h. correctClause rootcls cl  sorted cl  distinct cl)"

lemma correctArray_update:
  assumes "correctArray rcs a h"
  assumes "correctClause rcs c" "sorted c" "distinct c"
  shows "correctArray rcs a (Array.update a i (Some c) h)"
  using assms
  unfolding correctArray_def
  by (auto dest:array_ran_upd_array_Some)

lemma correctClause_mono:
  assumes "correctClause rcs c"
  assumes "set rcs  set rcs'"
  shows "correctClause rcs' c"
  using assms unfolding correctClause_def
  by auto

section‹Improved version of SatChecker›

text‹This version just uses a single list traversal.›

subsection‹Function definitions›

primrec res_mem :: "Lit  Clause  Clause Heap"
  "res_mem l [] = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: Cannot find literal''"
| "res_mem l (x#xs) = (if (x = l) then return xs else do { v  res_mem l xs; return (x # v) })"

fun resolve1 :: "Lit  Clause  Clause  Clause Heap"
  "resolve1 l (x#xs) (y#ys) =
  (if (x = l) then return (merge xs (y#ys))
  else (if (x < y) then do { v  resolve1 l xs (y#ys); return (x # v) }
  else (if (x > y) then do { v  resolve1 l (x#xs) ys; return (y # v) }
  else do { v  resolve1 l xs ys; return (x # v) })))"
| "resolve1 l [] ys = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: Cannot find literal''"
| "resolve1 l xs [] = res_mem l xs"

fun resolve2 :: "Lit  Clause  Clause  Clause Heap" 
  "resolve2 l (x#xs) (y#ys) =
  (if (y = l) then return (merge (x#xs) ys)
  else (if (x < y) then do { v  resolve2 l xs (y#ys); return (x # v) }
  else (if (x > y) then do { v  resolve2 l (x#xs) ys; return (y # v) }
  else do { v  resolve2 l xs ys; return (x # v) })))"
  | "resolve2 l xs [] = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: Cannot find literal''"
  | "resolve2 l [] ys = res_mem l ys"

fun res_thm' :: "Lit  Clause  Clause  Clause Heap"
  "res_thm' l (x#xs) (y#ys) = 
  (if (x = l  x = compl l) then resolve2 (compl x) xs (y#ys)
  else (if (y = l  y = compl l) then resolve1 (compl y) (x#xs) ys
  else (if (x < y) then (res_thm' l xs (y#ys))  (λv. return (x # v))
  else (if (x > y) then (res_thm' l (x#xs) ys)  (λv. return (y # v))
  else (res_thm' l xs ys)  (λv. return (x # v))))))"
| "res_thm' l [] ys = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: Cannot find literal''"
| "res_thm' l xs [] = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: Cannot find literal''"

declare res_mem.simps [simp del] resolve1.simps [simp del] resolve2.simps [simp del] res_thm'.simps [simp del]

subsection ‹Proofs about these functions›

lemma res_mem:
assumes "effect (res_mem l xs) h h' r"
  shows "l  set xs  r = remove1 l xs"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: r)
  case Nil
  thus ?case unfolding res_mem.simps by (auto elim: effect_raiseE)
  case (Cons x xs')
  thus ?case
    unfolding res_mem.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE effect_returnE effect_ifE effect_bindE) auto

lemma resolve1_Inv:
assumes "effect (resolve1 l xs ys) h h' r"
  shows "l  set xs  r = merge (remove1 l xs) ys"
using assms
proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: resolve1.induct)
  case (1 l x xs y ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve1.simps
    by (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE) auto
  case (2 l ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve1.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto
  case (3 l v va r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve1.simps
    by (fastforce dest!: res_mem)

lemma resolve2_Inv: 
  assumes "effect (resolve2 l xs ys) h h' r"
  shows "l  set ys  r = merge xs (remove1 l ys)"
using assms
proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: resolve2.induct)
  case (1 l x xs y ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve2.simps
    by (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE) auto
  case (2 l ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve2.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto
  case (3 l v va r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding resolve2.simps
    by (fastforce dest!: res_mem)

lemma res_thm'_Inv:
assumes "effect (res_thm' l xs ys) h h' r"
shows "l'. (l'  set xs  compl l'  set ys  (l' = compl l  l' = l))  r = merge (remove1 l' xs) (remove1 (compl l') ys)"
using assms
proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: res_thm'.induct)
case (1 l x xs y ys r)
(* There are five cases for res_thm: We will consider them one after another: *) 
    assume cond: "x = l  x = compl l"
    assume resolve2: "effect (resolve2 (compl x) xs (y # ys)) h h' r"   
    from resolve2_Inv [OF resolve2] cond have ?case
      apply -
      by (rule exI[of _ "x"]) fastforce
  } moreover
    assume cond: "¬ (x = l  x = compl l)" "y = l  y = compl l" 
    assume resolve1: "effect (resolve1 (compl y) (x # xs) ys) h h' r"
    from resolve1_Inv [OF resolve1] cond have ?case
      apply -
      by (rule exI[of _ "compl y"]) fastforce
  } moreover
    fix r'
    assume cond: "¬ (x = l  x = compl l)" "¬ (y = l  y = compl l)" "x < y"
    assume res_thm: "effect (res_thm' l xs (y # ys)) h h' r'"
    assume return: "r = x # r'"
    from "1.hyps"(1) [OF cond res_thm] cond return have ?case by auto
  } moreover
    fix r'
    assume cond: "¬ (x = l  x = compl l)" "¬ (y = l  y = compl l)" "¬ x < y" "y < x"
    assume res_thm: "effect (res_thm' l (x # xs) ys) h h' r'"
    assume return: "r = y # r'"
    from "1.hyps"(2) [OF cond res_thm] cond return have ?case by auto
  } moreover
    fix r'
    assume cond: "¬ (x = l  x = compl l)" "¬ (y = l  y = compl l)" "¬ x < y" "¬ y < x"
    assume res_thm: "effect (res_thm' l xs ys) h h' r'"
    assume return: "r = x # r'"
    from "1.hyps"(3) [OF cond res_thm] cond return have ?case by auto
  } moreover
  note "1.prems"
  ultimately show ?case
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    apply (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE)
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply fastforce
  case (2 l ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto
  case (3 l v va r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto

lemma res_mem_no_heap:
assumes "effect (res_mem l xs) h h' r"
  shows "h = h'"
using assms
apply (induct xs arbitrary: r)
unfolding res_mem.simps
apply (elim effect_raiseE)
apply auto
apply (elim effect_ifE effect_bindE effect_raiseE effect_returnE)
apply auto

lemma resolve1_no_heap:
assumes "effect (resolve1 l xs ys) h h' r"
  shows "h = h'"
using assms
apply (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: resolve1.induct)
unfolding resolve1.simps
apply (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE effect_raiseE)
apply (auto simp add: res_mem_no_heap)
by (elim effect_raiseE) auto

lemma resolve2_no_heap:
assumes "effect (resolve2 l xs ys) h h' r"
  shows "h = h'"
using assms
apply (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: resolve2.induct)
unfolding resolve2.simps
apply (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE effect_raiseE)
apply (auto simp add: res_mem_no_heap)
by (elim effect_raiseE) auto

lemma res_thm'_no_heap:
  assumes "effect (res_thm' l xs ys) h h' r"
  shows "h = h'"
  using assms
proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: r rule: res_thm'.induct)
  case (1 l x xs y ys r)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    by (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_returnE)
  (auto simp add: resolve1_no_heap resolve2_no_heap)
  case (2 l ys r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto
  case (3 l v va r)
  thus ?case
    unfolding res_thm'.simps
    by (elim effect_raiseE) auto

lemma res_thm'_Inv2:
  assumes res_thm: "effect (res_thm' l xs ys) h h' rcl"
  assumes l_not_null: "l  0"
  assumes ys: "correctClause r ys  sorted ys  distinct ys"
  assumes xs: "correctClause r xs  sorted xs  distinct xs"
  shows "correctClause r rcl  sorted rcl  distinct rcl"
proof -
  from res_thm'_Inv [OF res_thm] xs ys l_not_null show ?thesis
    apply (auto simp add: sorted_remove1)
    unfolding correctClause_def
    apply (auto simp add: remove1_eq_remove)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule interpClause_resolvants)
    apply simp_all
    apply (insert compl_exists [of l])
    apply auto
    apply (rule interpClause_resolvants)
    apply simp_all

subsection ‹res_thm and doProofStep›

definition get_clause :: "Clause option array  ClauseId  Clause Heap"
  "get_clause a i = 
       do { c  Array.nth a i;
           (case c of None  raise STR ''Clause not found''
                    | Some x  return x)

primrec res_thm2 :: "Clause option array  (Lit * ClauseId)  Clause  Clause Heap"
  "res_thm2 a (l, j) cli =
  ( if l = 0 then raise STR ''Illegal literal''
     do { clj  get_clause a j;
         res_thm' l cli clj

  foldM :: "('a  'b  'b Heap)  'a list  'b  'b Heap"
  "foldM f [] s = return s"
  | "foldM f (x#xs) s = f x s  foldM f xs"

fun doProofStep2 :: "Clause option array  ProofStep  Clause list  Clause list Heap"
  "doProofStep2 a (Conflict saveTo (i, rs)) rcs =
  do {
     cli  get_clause a i;
     result  foldM (res_thm2 a) rs cli;
     Array.upd saveTo (Some result) a; 
     return rcs
| "doProofStep2 a (Delete cid) rcs = do { Array.upd cid None a; return rcs }"
| "doProofStep2 a (Root cid clause) rcs = do { Array.upd cid (Some (remdups (sort clause))) a; return (clause # rcs) }"
| "doProofStep2 a (Xstep cid1 cid2) rcs = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: Xstep constructor found.''"
| "doProofStep2 a (ProofDone b) rcs = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: ProofDone constructor found.''"

definition checker :: "nat  ProofStep list  nat  Clause list Heap"
  "checker n p i =
  do {
     a n None;
     rcs  foldM (doProofStep2 a) p [];
     ec  Array.nth a i;
     (if ec = Some [] then return rcs 
                else raise STR ''No empty clause'')

lemma effect_case_option:
  assumes "effect (case x of None  n | Some y  s y) h h' r"
  obtains "x = None" "effect n h h' r"
         | y where "x = Some y" "effect (s y) h h' r" 
  using assms unfolding effect_def by (auto split: option.splits)

lemma res_thm2_Inv:
  assumes res_thm: "effect (res_thm2 a (l, j) cli) h h' rs"
  assumes correct_a: "correctArray r a h"
  assumes correct_cli: "correctClause r cli  sorted cli  distinct cli"
  shows "h = h'  correctClause r rs  sorted rs  distinct rs"
proof -
  from res_thm have l_not_zero: "l  0" 
    by (auto elim: effect_raiseE)
    fix clj
    let ?rs = "merge (remove l cli) (remove (compl l) clj)"
    let ?rs' = "merge (remove (compl l) cli) (remove l clj)"
    assume "h = h'" "Some clj = Array.get h' a ! j" "j < Array.length h' a"
    with correct_a have clj: "correctClause r clj" "sorted clj" "distinct clj"
      unfolding correctArray_def by (auto intro: array_ranI)
    with clj l_not_zero correct_cli
    have "(l  set cli  compl l  set clj
       correctClause r ?rs  sorted ?rs  distinct ?rs) 
      (compl l  set cli  l  set clj
       correctClause r ?rs'  sorted ?rs'  distinct ?rs')"
      apply (auto intro!: correctClause_resolvants)
      apply (insert compl_exists [of l])
      by (auto intro!: correctClause_resolvants)
    fix v clj
    assume "Some clj = Array.get h a ! j" "j < Array.length h a"
    with correct_a have clj: "correctClause r clj  sorted clj  distinct clj"
      unfolding correctArray_def by (auto intro: array_ranI)
    assume "effect (res_thm' l cli clj) h h' rs"
    from res_thm'_no_heap[OF this] res_thm'_Inv2[OF this l_not_zero clj correct_cli]
    have "h = h'  correctClause r rs  sorted rs  distinct rs" by simp
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding res_thm2.simps get_clause_def
    by (elim effect_bindE effect_ifE effect_nthE effect_raiseE effect_returnE effect_case_option) auto

lemma foldM_Inv2:
  assumes "effect (foldM (res_thm2 a) rs cli) h h' rcl"
  assumes correct_a: "correctArray r a h"
  assumes correct_cli: "correctClause r cli  sorted cli  distinct cli"
  shows "h = h'  correctClause r rcl  sorted rcl  distinct rcl"
using assms
proof (induct rs arbitrary: h h' cli)
  case Nil thus ?case
    unfolding foldM.simps
    by (elim effect_returnE) auto
  case (Cons x xs)
    fix h1 ret
    obtain l j where x_is: "x = (l, j)" by fastforce
    assume res_thm2: "effect (res_thm2 a x cli) h h1 ret"
    with x_is have res_thm2': "effect (res_thm2 a (l, j) cli) h h1 ret" by simp
    note step = res_thm2_Inv [OF res_thm2' Cons.prems(2) Cons.prems(3)]
    from step have ret: "correctClause r ret  sorted ret  distinct ret" by simp
    from step Cons.prems(2) have correct_a: "correctArray r a h1"  by simp
    assume foldM: "effect (foldM (res_thm2 a) xs ret) h1 h' rcl"
    from step Cons.hyps [OF foldM correct_a ret] have
    "h = h'  correctClause r rcl  sorted rcl  distinct rcl" by auto
  with Cons show ?case
    unfolding foldM.simps
    by (elim effect_bindE) auto

lemma step_correct2:
  assumes effect: "effect (doProofStep2 a step rcs) h h' res"
  assumes correctArray: "correctArray rcs a h"
  shows "correctArray res a h'"
proof (cases "(a,step,rcs)" rule: doProofStep2.cases)
  case (1 a saveTo i rs rcs)
  with effect correctArray
  show ?thesis
    apply auto
    apply (auto simp: get_clause_def elim!: effect_bindE effect_nthE)
    apply (auto elim!: effect_bindE effect_nthE effect_case_option effect_raiseE
      effect_returnE effect_updE)
    apply (frule foldM_Inv2)
    apply assumption
    apply (simp add: correctArray_def)
    apply (drule_tac x="y" in bspec)
    apply (rule array_ranI[where i=i])
    by (auto intro: correctArray_update)
  case (2 a cid rcs)
  with effect correctArray
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: correctArray_def elim!: effect_bindE effect_updE effect_returnE
     dest: array_ran_upd_array_None)
  case (3 a cid c rcs)
  with effect correctArray
  show ?thesis
    apply (auto elim!: effect_bindE effect_updE effect_returnE)
    apply (auto simp: correctArray_def dest!: array_ran_upd_array_Some)
    apply (auto intro: correctClause_mono)
    by (auto simp: correctClause_def)
  case 4
  with effect correctArray
  show ?thesis by (auto elim: effect_raiseE)
  case 5
  with effect correctArray
  show ?thesis by (auto elim: effect_raiseE)

theorem fold_steps_correct:
  assumes "effect (foldM (doProofStep2 a) steps rcs) h h' res"
  assumes "correctArray rcs a h"
  shows "correctArray res a h'"
using assms
by (induct steps arbitrary: rcs h h' res)
 (auto elim!: effect_bindE effect_returnE dest:step_correct2)

theorem checker_soundness:
  assumes "effect (checker n p i) h h' cs"
  shows "inconsistent cs"
using assms unfolding checker_def
apply (elim effect_bindE effect_nthE effect_ifE effect_returnE effect_raiseE effect_newE)
prefer 2 apply simp
apply auto
apply (drule fold_steps_correct)
apply (simp add: correctArray_def array_ran_def)
apply (rule implies_empty_inconsistent)
apply (simp add:correctArray_def)
apply (drule bspec)
by (rule array_ranI, auto)

section ‹Functional version with Lists as Array›

subsection ‹List specific definitions›

definition list_ran :: "'a option list  'a set"
  "list_ran xs = {e. Some e  set xs }"

lemma list_ranI: " i < List.length xs; xs ! i = Some b   b  list_ran xs"
unfolding list_ran_def by (drule sym, simp)

lemma list_ran_update_Some:
  "cl  list_ran (xs[i := (Some b)])  cl  list_ran xs  cl = b"
proof -
  assume assms: "cl  list_ran (xs[i := (Some b)])"
  have "set (xs[i := Some b])  insert (Some b) (set xs)"
    by (simp only: set_update_subset_insert)
  with assms have "Some cl  insert (Some b) (set xs)"
    unfolding list_ran_def by fastforce
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding list_ran_def by auto

lemma list_ran_update_None:
  "cl  list_ran (xs[i := None])  cl  list_ran xs"
proof -
  assume assms: "cl  list_ran (xs[i := None])"
  have "set (xs[i := None])  insert None (set xs)"
    by (simp only: set_update_subset_insert)
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding list_ran_def by auto

definition correctList :: "Clause list  Clause option list  bool"
  "correctList rootcls xs =
  (cl  list_ran xs. correctClause rootcls cl  sorted cl  distinct cl)"

subsection ‹Checker functions›

primrec lres_thm :: "Clause option list  (Lit * ClauseId)  Clause  Clause Heap" 
  "lres_thm xs (l, j) cli = (if (j < List.length xs) then (case (xs ! j) of
  None  raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: No resolvant clause in thms array for Conflict step.''
  | Some clj  res_thm' l cli clj
 ) else raise STR ''Error'')"

fun ldoProofStep :: " ProofStep  (Clause option list  * Clause list)  (Clause option list * Clause list) Heap"
  "ldoProofStep (Conflict saveTo (i, rs)) (xs, rcl) =
     (case (xs ! i) of
       None  raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: No starting clause in thms array for Conflict step.''
     | Some cli  do {
                      result  foldM (lres_thm xs) rs cli ;
                      return ((xs[saveTo:=Some result]), rcl)
| "ldoProofStep (Delete cid) (xs, rcl) = return (xs[cid:=None], rcl)"
| "ldoProofStep (Root cid clause) (xs, rcl) = return (xs[cid:=Some (sort clause)], (remdups(sort clause)) # rcl)"
| "ldoProofStep (Xstep cid1 cid2) (xs, rcl) = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: Xstep constructor found.''"
| "ldoProofStep (ProofDone b) (xs, rcl) = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: ProofDone constructor found.''"

definition lchecker :: "nat  ProofStep list  nat  Clause list Heap"
  "lchecker n p i =
  do {
     rcs  foldM (ldoProofStep) p ([], []);
     (if (fst rcs ! i) = Some [] then return (snd rcs) 
                else raise STR ''No empty clause'')

section ‹Functional version with RedBlackTrees›

primrec tres_thm :: "(ClauseId, Clause) RBT_Impl.rbt  Lit × ClauseId  Clause  Clause Heap"
  "tres_thm t (l, j) cli =
  (case (rbt_lookup t j) of 
     None  raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.res_thm: No resolvant clause in thms array for Conflict step.''
   | Some clj  res_thm' l cli clj)"

fun tdoProofStep :: " ProofStep  ((ClauseId, Clause) RBT_Impl.rbt * Clause list)  ((ClauseId, Clause) RBT_Impl.rbt * Clause list) Heap"
  "tdoProofStep (Conflict saveTo (i, rs)) (t, rcl) =
     (case (rbt_lookup t i) of
       None  raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: No starting clause in thms array for Conflict step.''
     | Some cli  do {
                      result  foldM (tres_thm t) rs cli;
                      return ((rbt_insert saveTo result t), rcl)
| "tdoProofStep (Delete cid) (t, rcl) = return ((rbt_delete cid t), rcl)"
| "tdoProofStep (Root cid clause) (t, rcl) = return (rbt_insert cid (sort clause) t, (remdups(sort clause)) # rcl)"
| "tdoProofStep (Xstep cid1 cid2) (t, rcl) = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: Xstep constructor found.''"
| "tdoProofStep (ProofDone b) (t, rcl) = raise STR ''MiniSatChecked.doProofStep: ProofDone constructor found.''"

definition tchecker :: "nat  ProofStep list  nat  Clause list Heap"
  "tchecker n p i =
  do {
     rcs  foldM (tdoProofStep) p (RBT_Impl.Empty, []);
     (if (rbt_lookup (fst rcs) i) = Some [] then return (snd rcs) 
                else raise STR ''No empty clause'')

export_code checker tchecker lchecker checking SML
