Theory Stream

(*  Title:      CCL/ex/Stream.thy
    Author:     Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge

section ‹Programs defined over streams›

theory Stream
imports List

definition iter1 :: "[ii,i]i"
  where "iter1(f,a) == letrec iter x be x$iter(f(x)) in iter(a)"

definition iter2 :: "[ii,i]i"
  where "iter2(f,a) == letrec iter x be x$map(f,iter(x)) in iter(a)"

Proving properties about infinite lists using coinduction:
    Lists(A)  is the set of all finite and infinite lists of elements of A.
    ILists(A) is the set of infinite lists of elements of A.

subsection ‹Map of composition is composition of maps›

lemma map_comp:
  assumes 1: "l:Lists(A)"
  shows "map(f  g,l) = map(f,map(g,l))"
  apply (eq_coinduct3 "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX l:Lists (A) .x=map (f  g,l)  y=map (f,map (g,l)))}")
   apply (blast intro: 1)
  apply safe
  apply (drule ListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
   apply fastforce

(*** Mapping the identity function leaves a list unchanged ***)

lemma map_id:
  assumes 1: "l:Lists(A)"
  shows "map(λx. x, l) = l"
  apply (eq_coinduct3 "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX l:Lists (A) .x=map (λx. x,l)  y=l) }")
  apply (blast intro: 1)
  apply safe
  apply (drule ListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
  apply blast

subsection ‹Mapping distributes over append›

lemma map_append:
  assumes "l:Lists(A)"
    and "m:Lists(A)"
  shows "map(f,l@m) = map(f,l) @ map(f,m)"
  apply (eq_coinduct3
    "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX l:Lists (A). EX m:Lists (A). x=map (f,l@m)  y=map (f,l) @ map (f,m))}")
  apply (blast intro: assms)
  apply safe
  apply (drule ListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
  apply (drule ListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
  apply blast

subsection ‹Append is associative›

lemma append_assoc:
  assumes "k:Lists(A)"
    and "l:Lists(A)"
    and "m:Lists(A)"
  shows "k @ l @ m = (k @ l) @ m"
  apply (eq_coinduct3
    "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX k:Lists (A). EX l:Lists (A). EX m:Lists (A). x=k @ l @ m  y= (k @ l) @ m) }")
  apply (blast intro: assms)
  apply safe
  apply (drule ListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
   prefer 2
   apply blast
  apply (tactic DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac context [XH_to_E @{thm ListsXH}] 1
    THEN EQgen_tac context [] 1))

subsection ‹Appending anything to an infinite list doesn't alter it›

lemma ilist_append:
  assumes "l:ILists(A)"
  shows "l @ m = l"
  apply (eq_coinduct3 "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX l:ILists (A) .EX m. x=l@m  y=l)}")
  apply (blast intro: assms)
  apply safe
  apply (drule IListsXH [THEN iffD1])
  apply EQgen
  apply blast

(*** The equivalance of two versions of an iteration function       ***)
(*                                                                    *)
(*        fun iter1(f,a) = a$iter1(f,f(a))                            *)
(*        fun iter2(f,a) = a$map(f,iter2(f,a))                        *)

lemma iter1B: "iter1(f,a) = a$iter1(f,f(a))"
  apply (unfold iter1_def)
  apply (rule letrecB [THEN trans])
  apply simp

lemma iter2B: "iter2(f,a) = a $ map(f,iter2(f,a))"
  apply (unfold iter2_def)
  apply (rule letrecB [THEN trans])
  apply (rule refl)

lemma iter2Blemma:
    map(f) ^ n ` iter2(f,a) = (f ^ n ` a) $ (map(f) ^ n ` map(f,iter2(f,a)))"
  apply (rule_tac P = "λx. lhs(x) = rhs" for lhs rhs in iter2B [THEN ssubst])
  apply (simp add: nmapBcons)

lemma iter1_iter2_eq: "iter1(f,a) = iter2(f,a)"
  apply (eq_coinduct3
    "{p. EX x y. p=<x,y>  (EX n:Nat. x=iter1 (f,f^n`a)  y=map (f) ^n`iter2 (f,a))}")
  apply (fast intro!: napplyBzero [symmetric] napplyBzero [symmetric, THEN arg_cong])
  apply (EQgen iter1B iter2Blemma)
  apply (subst napply_f, assumption)
  apply (rule_tac f1 = f in napplyBsucc [THEN subst])
  apply blast
