Theory case_exprs

theory case_exprs imports Main begin

\subsection{Case Expressions}
\label{sec:case-expressions}\index{*case expressions}%
HOL also features \isa{case}-expressions for analyzing
elements of a datatype. For example,
@{term[display]"case xs of [] => [] | y#ys => y"}
evaluates to term[] if termxs is term[] and to termy if 
termxs is termy#ys. (Since the result in both branches must be of
the same type, it follows that termy is of type typ'a list and hence
that termxs is of type typ'a list list.)

In general, case expressions are of the form
case›~e~of›\ pattern@1~⇒›~e@1\ |›\ \dots\
Like in functional programming, patterns are expressions consisting of
datatype constructors (e.g. term[] and #›)
and variables, including the wildcard ``\verb$_$''.
Not all cases need to be covered and the order of cases matters.
However, one is well-advised not to wallow in complex patterns because
complex case distinctions tend to induce complex proofs.

Internally Isabelle only knows about exhaustive case expressions with
non-nested patterns: $pattern@i$ must be of the form
$C@i~x@ {i1}~\dots~x@ {ik@i}$ and $C@1, \dots, C@m$ must be exactly the
constructors of the type of $e$.
More complex case expressions are automatically
translated into the simpler form upon parsing but are not translated
back for printing. This may lead to surprising output.

Like if›, case›-expressions may need to be enclosed in
parentheses to indicate their scope.

\subsection{Structural Induction and Case Distinction}
\index{case distinctions}\index{induction!structural}%
Induction is invoked by \methdx{induct_tac}, as we have seen above; 
it works for any datatype.  In some cases, induction is overkill and a case
distinction over all constructors of the datatype suffices.  This is performed
by \methdx{case_tac}.  Here is a trivial example:

lemma "(case xs of []  [] | y#ys  xs) = xs"
apply(case_tac xs)

results in the proof state
which is solved automatically:

Note that we do not need to give a lemma a name if we do not intend to refer
to it explicitly in the future.
Other basic laws about a datatype are applied automatically during
simplification, so no special methods are provided for them.

  Induction is only allowed on free (or \isasymAnd-bound) variables that
  should not occur among the assumptions of the subgoal; see
  \S\ref{sec:ind-var-in-prems} for details. Case distinction
  (case_tac›) works for arbitrary terms, which need to be
  quoted if they are non-atomic. However, apart from ⋀›-bound
  variables, the terms must not contain variables that are bound outside.
  For example, given the goal propxs. xs = []  (y ys. xs = y#ys),
  case_tac xs› will not work as expected because Isabelle interprets
  the termxs as a new free variable distinct from the bound
  termxs in the goal.
