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section ‹Concrete Syntax \label{sec:concrete-syntax}›
text ‹
The core concept of Isabelle's framework for concrete syntax is that
of \bfindex{mixfix annotations}. Associated with any kind of
constant declaration, mixfixes affect both the grammar productions
for the parser and output templates for the pretty printer.
In full generality, parser and pretty printer configuration is a
subtle affair~\<^cite>‹"isabelle-isar-ref"›. Your syntax specifications need
to interact properly with the existing setup of Isabelle/Pure and
Isabelle/HOL\@. To avoid creating ambiguities with existing
elements, it is particularly important to give new syntactic
constructs the right precedence.
Below we introduce a few simple syntax declaration
forms that already cover many common situations fairly well.
subsection ‹Infix Annotations›
text ‹
Syntax annotations may be included wherever constants are declared,
such as \isacommand{definition} and \isacommand{primrec} --- and also
\isacommand{datatype}, which declares constructor operations.
Type-constructors may be annotated as well, although this is less
frequently encountered in practice (the infix type ‹×› comes
to mind).
Infix declarations\index{infix annotations} provide a useful special
case of mixfixes. The following example of the exclusive-or
operation on boolean values illustrates typical infix declarations.
definition xor :: "bool ⇒ bool ⇒ bool" (infixl "[+]" 60)
where "A [+] B ≡ (A ∧ ¬ B) ∨ (¬ A ∧ B)"
text ‹
\noindent Now ‹xor A B› and ‹A [+] B› refer to the
same expression internally. Any curried function with at least two
arguments may be given infix syntax. For partial applications with
fewer than two operands, the operator is enclosed in parentheses.
For instance, ‹xor› without arguments is represented as
‹([+])›; together with ordinary function application, this
turns ‹xor A› into ‹([+]) A›.
The keyword \isakeyword{infixl} seen above specifies an
infix operator that is nested to the \emph{left}: in iterated
applications the more complex expression appears on the left-hand
side, and \<^term>‹A [+] B [+] C› stands for ‹(A [+] B) [+]
C›. Similarly, \isakeyword{infixr} means nesting to the
\emph{right}, reading \<^term>‹A [+] B [+] C› as ‹A [+] (B
[+] C)›. A \emph{non-oriented} declaration via \isakeyword{infix}
would render \<^term>‹A [+] B [+] C› illegal, but demand explicit
parentheses to indicate the intended grouping.
The string @{text [source] "[+]"} in our annotation refers to the
concrete syntax to represent the operator (a literal token), while
the number ‹60› determines the precedence of the construct:
the syntactic priorities of the arguments and result. Isabelle/HOL
already uses up many popular combinations of ASCII symbols for its
own use, including both ‹+› and ‹++›. Longer
character combinations are more likely to be still available for
user extensions, such as our~‹[+]›.
Operator precedences have a range of 0--1000. Very low or high
priorities are reserved for the meta-logic. HOL syntax mainly uses
the range of 10--100: the equality infix ‹=› is centered at
50; logical connectives (like ‹∨› and ‹∧›) are
below 50; algebraic ones (like ‹+› and ‹*›) are
above 50. User syntax should strive to coexist with common HOL
forms, or use the mostly unused range 100--900.
subsection ‹Mathematical Symbols \label{sec:syntax-symbols}›
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Concrete syntax based on ASCII characters has inherent limitations.
Mathematical notation demands a larger repertoire of glyphs.
Several standards of extended character sets have been proposed over
decades, but none has become universally available so far. Isabelle
has its own notion of \bfindex{symbols} as the smallest entities of
source text, without referring to internal encodings. There are
three kinds of such ``generalized characters'':
\item 7-bit ASCII characters
\item named symbols: \verb,\,\verb,<,$ident$\verb,>,
\item named control symbols: \verb,\,\verb,<^,$ident$\verb,>,
Here $ident$ is any sequence of letters.
This results in an infinite store of symbols, whose
interpretation is left to further front-end tools. For example, the
Isabelle document processor (see \S\ref{sec:document-preparation})
display the \verb,\,\verb,<forall>, symbol as~‹∀›.
A list of standard Isabelle symbols is given in
\<^cite>‹"isabelle-isar-ref"›. You may introduce your own
interpretation of further symbols by configuring the appropriate
front-end tool accordingly, e.g.\ by defining certain {\LaTeX}
macros (see also \S\ref{sec:doc-prep-symbols}). There are also a
few predefined control symbols, such as \verb,\,\verb,<^sub>, and
\verb,\,\verb,<^sup>, for sub- and superscript of the subsequent
printable symbol, respectively. For example, ▩‹A⇧⋆›, is
output as ‹A⇧⋆›.
A number of symbols are considered letters by the Isabelle lexer and
can be used as part of identifiers. These are the greek letters
‹α› (\verb+\+\verb+<alpha>+), ‹β›
(\verb+\+\verb+<beta>+), etc. (excluding ‹λ›),
special letters like ‹𝒜› (\verb+\+\verb+<A>+) and ‹𝔄› (\verb+\+\verb+<AA>+). Moreover the control symbol
\verb+\+\verb+<^sub>+ may be used to subscript a single letter or digit
in the trailing part of an identifier. This means that the input
{\small\noindent ▩‹∀α⇩1. α⇩1 = Π⇩𝒜›}
\noindent is recognized as the term \<^term>‹∀α⇩1. α⇩1 = Π⇩𝒜›
by Isabelle.
Replacing our previous definition of ‹xor› by the
following specifies an Isabelle symbol for the new operator:
hide_const xor
setup ‹Sign.add_path "version1"›
definition xor :: "bool ⇒ bool ⇒ bool" (infixl "⊕" 60)
where "A ⊕ B ≡ (A ∧ ¬ B) ∨ (¬ A ∧ B)"
setup ‹Sign.local_path›
text ‹
It is possible to provide alternative syntax forms
through the \bfindex{print mode} concept~\<^cite>‹"isabelle-isar-ref"›. By
convention, the mode of ``$xsymbols$'' is enabled whenever
Proof~General's X-Symbol mode or {\LaTeX} output is active. Now
consider the following hybrid declaration of ‹xor›:
hide_const xor
setup ‹Sign.add_path "version2"›
definition xor :: "bool ⇒ bool ⇒ bool" (infixl "[+]\<ignore>" 60)
where "A [+]\<ignore> B ≡ (A ∧ ¬ B) ∨ (¬ A ∧ B)"
notation (xsymbols) xor (infixl "⊕\<ignore>" 60)
setup ‹Sign.local_path›
text ‹\noindent
The \commdx{notation} command associates a mixfix
annotation with a known constant. The print mode specification,
here ‹(xsymbols)›, is optional.
We may now write ‹A [+] B› or ‹A ⊕ B› in input, while
output uses the nicer syntax of $xsymbols$ whenever that print mode is
active. Such an arrangement is particularly useful for interactive
development, where users may type ASCII text and see mathematical
symbols displayed during proofs.›
subsection ‹Prefix Annotations›
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Prefix syntax annotations\index{prefix annotation} are another form
of mixfixes \<^cite>‹"isabelle-isar-ref"›, without any template arguments or
priorities --- just some literal syntax. The following example
associates common symbols with the constructors of a datatype.