Theory HOL_Specific
theory HOL_Specific
chapter ‹Higher-Order Logic›
text ‹
Isabelle/HOL is based on Higher-Order Logic, a polymorphic version of
Church's Simple Theory of Types. HOL can be best understood as a
simply-typed version of classical set theory. The logic was first
implemented in Gordon's HOL system \<^cite>‹"mgordon-hol"›. It extends
Church's original logic \<^cite>‹"church40"› by explicit type variables (naive
polymorphism) and a sound axiomatization scheme for new types based on
subsets of existing types.
Andrews's book \<^cite>‹andrews86› is a full description of the original
Church-style higher-order logic, with proofs of correctness and completeness
wrt.\ certain set-theoretic interpretations. The particular extensions of
Gordon-style HOL are explained semantically in two chapters of the 1993 HOL
book \<^cite>‹pitts93›.
Experience with HOL over decades has demonstrated that higher-order logic is
widely applicable in many areas of mathematics and computer science. In a
sense, Higher-Order Logic is simpler than First-Order Logic, because there
are fewer restrictions and special cases. Note that HOL is ∗‹weaker› than
FOL with axioms for ZF set theory, which is traditionally considered the
standard foundation of regular mathematics, but for most applications this
does not matter. If you prefer ML to Lisp, you will probably prefer HOL to
┉ The syntax of HOL follows ‹λ›-calculus and functional programming.
Function application is curried. To apply the function ‹f› of type ‹τ⇩1 ⇒
τ⇩2 ⇒ τ⇩3› to the arguments ‹a› and ‹b› in HOL, you simply write ‹f a b› (as
in ML or Haskell). There is no ``apply'' operator; the existing application
of the Pure ‹λ›-calculus is re-used. Note that in HOL ‹f (a, b)› means ``‹f›
applied to the pair ‹(a, b)› (which is notation for ‹Pair a b›). The latter
typically introduces extra formal efforts that can be avoided by currying
functions by default. Explicit tuples are as infrequent in HOL
formalizations as in good ML or Haskell programs.
┉ Isabelle/HOL has a distinct feel, compared to other object-logics like
Isabelle/ZF. It identifies object-level types with meta-level types, taking
advantage of the default type-inference mechanism of Isabelle/Pure. HOL
fully identifies object-level functions with meta-level functions, with
native abstraction and application.
These identifications allow Isabelle to support HOL particularly nicely, but
they also mean that HOL requires some sophistication from the user. In
particular, an understanding of Hindley-Milner type-inference with
type-classes, which are both used extensively in the standard libraries and
chapter ‹Derived specification elements›
section ‹Inductive and coinductive definitions \label{sec:hol-inductive}›
text ‹
@{command_def (HOL) "inductive"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "inductive_set"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "coinductive"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "coinductive_set"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def "print_inductives"}‹⇧*› & : & ‹context →› \\
@{attribute_def (HOL) mono} & : & ‹attribute› \\
An ∗‹inductive definition› specifies the least predicate or set ‹R› closed
under given rules: applying a rule to elements of ‹R› yields a result within
‹R›. For example, a structural operational semantics is an inductive
definition of an evaluation relation.
Dually, a ∗‹coinductive definition› specifies the greatest predicate or set
‹R› that is consistent with given rules: every element of ‹R› can be seen as
arising by applying a rule to elements of ‹R›. An important example is using
bisimulation relations to formalise equivalence of processes and infinite
data structures.
Both inductive and coinductive definitions are based on the Knaster-Tarski
fixed-point theorem for complete lattices. The collection of introduction
rules given by the user determines a functor on subsets of set-theoretic
relations. The required monotonicity of the recursion scheme is proven as a
prerequisite to the fixed-point definition and the resulting consequences.
This works by pushing inclusion through logical connectives and any other
operator that might be wrapped around recursive occurrences of the defined
relation: there must be a monotonicity theorem of the form ‹A ≤ B ⟹ ℳ A ≤ ℳ
B›, for each premise ‹ℳ R t› in an introduction rule. The default rule
declarations of Isabelle/HOL already take care of most common situations.
(@@{command (HOL) inductive} | @@{command (HOL) inductive_set} |
@@{command (HOL) coinductive} | @@{command (HOL) coinductive_set})
@{syntax vars} @{syntax for_fixes} ⏎
(@'where' @{syntax multi_specs})? (@'monos' @{syntax thms})?
@@{command print_inductives} ('!'?)
@@{attribute (HOL) mono} (() | 'add' | 'del')
➧ @{command (HOL) "inductive"} and @{command (HOL) "coinductive"} define
(co)inductive predicates from the introduction rules.
The propositions given as ‹clauses› in the @{keyword "where"} part are
either rules of the usual ‹⋀/⟹› format (with arbitrary nesting), or
equalities using ‹≡›. The latter specifies extra-logical abbreviations in
the sense of @{command_ref abbreviation}. Introducing abstract syntax
simultaneously with the actual introduction rules is occasionally useful for
complex specifications.
The optional @{keyword "for"} part contains a list of parameters of the
(co)inductive predicates that remain fixed throughout the definition, in
contrast to arguments of the relation that may vary in each occurrence
within the given ‹clauses›.
The optional @{keyword "monos"} declaration contains additional
∗‹monotonicity theorems›, which are required for each operator applied to a
recursive set in the introduction rules.
➧ @{command (HOL) "inductive_set"} and @{command (HOL) "coinductive_set"}
are wrappers for to the previous commands for native HOL predicates. This
allows to define (co)inductive sets, where multiple arguments are simulated
via tuples.
➧ @{command "print_inductives"} prints (co)inductive definitions and
monotonicity rules; the ``‹!›'' option indicates extra verbosity.
➧ @{attribute (HOL) mono} declares monotonicity rules in the context. These
rule are involved in the automated monotonicity proof of the above inductive
and coinductive definitions.
subsection ‹Derived rules›
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A (co)inductive definition of ‹R› provides the following main theorems:
➧ ‹R.intros› is the list of introduction rules as proven theorems, for the
recursive predicates (or sets). The rules are also available individually,
using the names given them in the theory file;
➧ ‹R.cases› is the case analysis (or elimination) rule;
➧ ‹R.induct› or ‹R.coinduct› is the (co)induction rule;
➧ ‹R.simps› is the equation unrolling the fixpoint of the predicate one
When several predicates ‹R⇩1, …, R⇩n› are defined simultaneously, the list
of introduction rules is called ‹R⇩1_…_R⇩n.intros›, the case analysis rules
are called ‹R⇩1.cases, …, R⇩n.cases›, and the list of mutual induction rules
is called ‹R⇩1_…_R⇩n.inducts›.
subsection ‹Monotonicity theorems›
text ‹
The context maintains a default set of theorems that are used in
monotonicity proofs. New rules can be declared via the @{attribute (HOL)
mono} attribute. See the main Isabelle/HOL sources for some examples. The
general format of such monotonicity theorems is as follows:
▪ Theorems of the form ‹A ≤ B ⟹ ℳ A ≤ ℳ B›, for proving monotonicity of
inductive definitions whose introduction rules have premises involving terms
such as ‹ℳ R t›.
▪ Monotonicity theorems for logical operators, which are of the general form
‹(… ⟶ …) ⟹ … (… ⟶ …) ⟹ … ⟶ …›. For example, in the case of the operator ‹∨›,
the corresponding theorem is
\infer{‹P⇩1 ∨ P⇩2 ⟶ Q⇩1 ∨ Q⇩2›}{‹P⇩1 ⟶ Q⇩1› & ‹P⇩2 ⟶ Q⇩2›}
▪ De Morgan style equations for reasoning about the ``polarity'' of
expressions, e.g.
\<^prop>‹¬ ¬ P ⟷ P› \qquad\qquad
\<^prop>‹¬ (P ∧ Q) ⟷ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q›
▪ Equations for reducing complex operators to more primitive ones whose
monotonicity can easily be proved, e.g.
\<^prop>‹(P ⟶ Q) ⟷ ¬ P ∨ Q› \qquad\qquad
\<^prop>‹Ball A P ≡ ∀x. x ∈ A ⟶ P x›
subsubsection ‹Examples›
text ‹The finite powerset operator can be defined inductively like this:›
experiment begin
inductive_set Fin :: "'a set ⇒ 'a set set" for A :: "'a set"
empty: "{} ∈ Fin A"
| insert: "a ∈ A ⟹ B ∈ Fin A ⟹ insert a B ∈ Fin A"
text ‹The accessible part of a relation is defined as follows:›
inductive acc :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
for r :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (infix "≺" 50)
where acc: "(⋀y. y ≺ x ⟹ acc r y) ⟹ acc r x"
text ‹
Common logical connectives can be easily characterized as non-recursive
inductive definitions with parameters, but without arguments.
experiment begin
inductive AND for A B :: bool
where "A ⟹ B ⟹ AND A B"
inductive OR for A B :: bool
where "A ⟹ OR A B"
| "B ⟹ OR A B"
inductive EXISTS for B :: "'a ⇒ bool"
where "B a ⟹ EXISTS B"
text ‹
Here the ‹cases› or ‹induct› rules produced by the @{command inductive}
package coincide with the expected elimination rules for Natural Deduction.
Already in the original article by Gerhard Gentzen \<^cite>‹"Gentzen:1935"›
there is a hint that each connective can be characterized by its
introductions, and the elimination can be constructed systematically.
section ‹Recursive functions \label{sec:recursion}›
text ‹
@{command_def (HOL) "primrec"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "fun"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "function"} & : & ‹local_theory → proof(prove)› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "termination"} & : & ‹local_theory → proof(prove)› \\
@{command_def (HOL) "fun_cases"} & : & ‹local_theory → local_theory› \\
@@{command (HOL) primrec} @{syntax specification}
(@@{command (HOL) fun} | @@{command (HOL) function}) opts? @{syntax specification}
opts: '(' (('sequential' | 'domintros') + ',') ')'
@@{command (HOL) termination} @{syntax term}?
@@{command (HOL) fun_cases} (@{syntax thmdecl}? @{syntax prop} + @'and')
➧ @{command (HOL) "primrec"} defines primitive recursive functions over
datatypes (see also @{command_ref (HOL) datatype}). The given ‹equations›
specify reduction rules that are produced by instantiating the generic
combinator for primitive recursion that is available for each datatype.
Each equation needs to be of the form:
@{text [display] "f x⇩1 … x⇩m (C y⇩1 … y⇩k) z⇩1 … z⇩n = rhs"}
such that ‹C› is a datatype constructor, ‹rhs› contains only the free
variables on the left-hand side (or from the context), and all recursive
occurrences of ‹f› in ‹rhs› are of the form ‹f … y⇩i …› for some ‹i›. At
most one reduction rule for each constructor can be given. The order does
not matter. For missing constructors, the function is defined to return a
default value, but this equation is made difficult to access for users.
The reduction rules are declared as @{attribute simp} by default, which
enables standard proof methods like @{method simp} and @{method auto} to
normalize expressions of ‹f› applied to datatype constructions, by
simulating symbolic computation via rewriting.
➧ @{command (HOL) "function"} defines functions by general wellfounded
recursion. A detailed description with examples can be found in \<^cite>‹"isabelle-function"›. The function is specified by a set of (possibly
conditional) recursive equations with arbitrary pattern matching. The
command generates proof obligations for the completeness and the
compatibility of patterns.
The defined function is considered partial, and the resulting simplification
rules (named ‹f.psimps›) and induction rule (named ‹f.pinduct›) are guarded
by a generated domain predicate ‹f_dom›. The @{command (HOL) "termination"}
command can then be used to establish that the function is total.
➧ @{command (HOL) "fun"} is a shorthand notation for ``@{command (HOL)
"function"}~‹(sequential)›'', followed by automated proof attempts regarding
pattern matching and termination. See \<^cite>‹"isabelle-function"› for
further details.
➧ @{command (HOL) "termination"}~‹f› commences a termination proof for the
previously defined function ‹f›. If this is omitted, the command refers to
the most recent function definition. After the proof is closed, the
recursive equations and the induction principle is established.
➧ @{command (HOL) "fun_cases"} generates specialized elimination rules for
function equations. It expects one or more function equations and produces
rules that eliminate the given equalities, following the cases given in the
function definition.
Recursive definitions introduced by the @{command (HOL) "function"} command
accommodate reasoning by induction (cf.\ @{method induct}): rule ‹f.induct›
refers to a specific induction rule, with parameters named according to the
user-specified equations. Cases are numbered starting from 1. For @{command
(HOL) "primrec"}, the induction principle coincides with structural
recursion on the datatype where the recursion is carried out.
The equations provided by these packages may be referred later as theorem
list ‹f.simps›, where ‹f› is the (collective) name of the functions defined.
Individual equations may be named explicitly as well.
The @{command (HOL) "function"} command accepts the following options.
➧ ‹sequential› enables a preprocessor which disambiguates overlapping
patterns by making them mutually disjoint. Earlier equations take precedence
over later ones. This allows to give the specification in a format very
similar to functional programming. Note that the resulting simplification
and induction rules correspond to the transformed specification, not the one
given originally. This usually means that each equation given by the user
may result in several theorems. Also note that this automatic transformation
only works for ML-style datatype patterns.
➧ ‹domintros› enables the automated generation of introduction rules for the
domain predicate. While mostly not needed, they can be helpful in some
proofs about partial functions.
subsubsection ‹Example: evaluation of expressions›
text ‹
Subsequently, we define mutual datatypes for arithmetic and boolean
expressions, and use @{command primrec} for evaluation functions that follow
the same recursive structure.
experiment begin