Theory Hoare_Total_EX2

(* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)

subsubsection "Hoare Logic for Total Correctness With Logical Variables"

theory Hoare_Total_EX2
imports Hoare

text‹This is the standard set of rules that you find in many publications.
In the while-rule, a logical variable is needed to remember the pre-value
of the variant (an expression that decreases by one with each iteration).
In this theory, logical variables are modeled explicitly.
A simpler (but not quite as flexible) approach is found in theory Hoare_Total_EX›:
pre and post-condition are connected via a universally quantified HOL variable.›

type_synonym lvname = string
type_synonym assn2 = "(lvname  nat)  state  bool"

definition hoare_tvalid :: "assn2  com  assn2  bool"
  ("t {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where
"t {P}c{Q}    (l s. P l s  (t. (c,s)  t  Q l t))"

  hoaret :: "assn2  com  assn2  bool" ("t ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)})" 50)

Skip:  "t {P} SKIP {P}"  |

Assign:  "t {λl s. P l (s[a/x])} x::=a {P}"  |

Seq: " t {P1} c1 {P2}; t {P2} c2 {P3}   t {P1} c1;;c2 {P3}" |

If: " t {λl s. P l s  bval b s} c1 {Q}; t {λl s. P l s  ¬ bval b s} c2 {Q} 
   t {P} IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 {Q}" |

  " t {λl. P (l(x := Suc(l(x))))} c {P};
     l s. l x > 0  P l s  bval b s;
     l s. l x = 0  P l s  ¬ bval b s 
    t {λl s. n. P (l(x:=n)) s} WHILE b DO c {λl s. P (l(x := 0)) s}" |

conseq: " l s. P' l s  P l s; t {P}c{Q}; l s. Q l s  Q' l s   
           t {P'}c{Q'}"

text‹Building in the consequence rule:›

lemma strengthen_pre:
  " l s. P' l s  P l s;  t {P} c {Q}   t {P'} c {Q}"
by (metis conseq)

lemma weaken_post:
  " t {P} c {Q};  l s. Q l s  Q' l s    t {P} c {Q'}"
by (metis conseq)

lemma Assign': "l s. P l s  Q l (s[a/x])  t {P} x ::= a {Q}"
by (simp add: strengthen_pre[OF _ Assign])

text‹The soundness theorem:›

theorem hoaret_sound: "t {P}c{Q}    t {P}c{Q}"
proof(unfold hoare_tvalid_def, induction rule: hoaret.induct)
  case (While P x c b)
  have " l x = n; P l s   t. (WHILE b DO c, s)  t  P (l(x := 0)) t" for n l s
  proof(induction "n" arbitrary: l s)
    case 0 thus ?case using While.hyps(3) WhileFalse
      by (metis fun_upd_triv)
    case Suc
    thus ?case using While.IH While.hyps(2) WhileTrue
      by (metis fun_upd_same fun_upd_triv fun_upd_upd zero_less_Suc)
  thus ?case by fastforce
  case If thus ?case by auto blast
qed fastforce+

definition wpt :: "com  assn2  assn2" ("wpt") where
"wpt c Q  =  (λl s. t. (c,s)  t  Q l t)"

lemma [simp]: "wpt SKIP Q = Q"
by(auto intro!: ext simp: wpt_def)

lemma [simp]: "wpt (x ::= e) Q = (λl s. Q l (s(x := aval e s)))"
by(auto intro!: ext simp: wpt_def)

lemma wpt_Seq[simp]: "wpt (c1;;c2) Q = wpt c1 (wpt c2 Q)"
by (auto simp: wpt_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma [simp]:
 "wpt (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2) Q = (λl s. wpt (if bval b s then c1 else c2) Q l s)"
by (auto simp: wpt_def fun_eq_iff)

text‹Function wpw› computes the weakest precondition of a While-loop
that is unfolded a fixed number of times.›

fun wpw :: "bexp  com  nat  assn2  assn2" where
"wpw b c 0 Q l s = (¬ bval b s  Q l s)" |
"wpw b c (Suc n) Q l s = (bval b s  (s'. (c,s)  s'   wpw b c n Q l s'))"

lemma WHILE_Its:
  "(WHILE b DO c,s)  t  Q l t  n. wpw b c n Q l s"
proof(induction "WHILE b DO c" s t arbitrary: l rule: big_step_induct)
  case WhileFalse thus ?case using wpw.simps(1) by blast
  case WhileTrue show ?case
    using wpw.simps(2) WhileTrue(1,2) WhileTrue(5)[OF WhileTrue(6)] by blast

definition support :: "assn2  string set" where
"support P = {x. l1 l2 s. (y. y  x  l1 y = l2 y)  P l1 s  P l2 s}"

lemma support_wpt: "support (wpt c Q)  support Q"
by(simp add: support_def wpt_def) blast

lemma support_wpw0: "support (wpw b c n Q)  support Q"
proof(induction n)
  case 0 show ?case by (simp add: support_def) blast
  case Suc
  have 1: "support (λl s. A s  B l s)  support B" for A B
    by(auto simp: support_def)
  have 2: "support (λl s. s'. A s s'  B l s')  support B" for A B
    by(auto simp: support_def) blast+
  from Suc 1 2 show ?case by simp (meson order_trans)

lemma support_wpw_Un:
  "support (%l. wpw b c (l x) Q l)  insert x (UN n. support(wpw b c n Q))"
using support_wpw0[of b c _ Q]
apply(auto simp add: support_def subset_iff)
apply metis
apply metis

lemma support_wpw: "support (%l. wpw b c (l x) Q l)  insert x (support Q)"
using support_wpw0[of b c _ Q] support_wpw_Un[of b c _ Q]
by blast

lemma assn2_lupd: "x  support Q  Q (l(x:=n)) = Q l"
by(simp add: support_def fun_upd_other fun_eq_iff)
  (metis (no_types, lifting) fun_upd_def)

abbreviation "new Q  SOME x. x  support Q"

lemma wpw_lupd: "x  support Q  wpw b c n Q (l(x := u)) = wpw b c n Q l"
by(induction n) (auto simp: assn2_lupd fun_eq_iff)

lemma wpt_is_pre: "finite(support Q)  t {wpt c Q} c {Q}"
proof (induction c arbitrary: Q)
  case SKIP show ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.Skip)
  case Assign show ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.Assign)
  case (Seq c1 c2) show ?case
    by (auto intro:hoaret.Seq Seq finite_subset[OF support_wpt])
  case If thus ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.If hoaret.conseq)
  case (While b c)
  let ?x = "new Q"
  have "x. x  support Q" using While.prems infinite_UNIV_listI
    using ex_new_if_finite by blast
  hence [simp]: "?x  support Q" by (rule someI_ex)
  let ?w = "WHILE b DO c"
  have fsup: "finite (support (λl. wpw b c (l x) Q l))" for x
    using finite_subset[OF support_wpw] While.prems by simp
  have c1: "l s. wpt ?w Q l s  (n. wpw b c n Q l s)"
    unfolding wpt_def by (metis WHILE_Its)
  have c2: "l s. l ?x = 0  wpw b c (l ?x) Q l s  ¬ bval b s"
    by (simp cong: conj_cong)
  have w2: "l s. 0 < l ?x  wpw b c (l ?x) Q l s  bval b s"
    by (auto simp: gr0_conv_Suc cong: conj_cong)
  have 1: "l s. wpw b c (Suc(l ?x)) Q l s 
                  (t. (c, s)  t  wpw b c (l ?x) Q l t)"
    by simp
  have *: "t {λl. wpw b c (Suc (l ?x)) Q l} c {λl. wpw b c (l ?x) Q l}"
    by(rule strengthen_pre[OF 1
          While.IH[of "λl. wpw b c (l ?x) Q l", unfolded wpt_def, OF fsup]])
  show ?case
  apply(rule conseq[OF _ hoaret.While[OF _ w2 c2]])
    apply (simp_all add: c1 * assn2_lupd wpw_lupd del: wpw.simps(2))

theorem hoaret_complete: "finite(support Q)  t {P}c{Q}  t {P}c{Q}"
apply(rule strengthen_pre[OF _ wpt_is_pre])
apply(auto simp: hoare_tvalid_def wpt_def)

text ‹Two examples:›

lemma "t 
{λl s. l ''x'' = nat(s ''x'')}
 WHILE Less (N 0) (V ''x'') DO ''x'' ::= Plus (V ''x'') (N (-1))
{λl s. s ''x''  0}"
apply(rule conseq)
prefer 2
 apply(rule While[where P = "λl s. l ''x'' = nat(s ''x'')" and x = "''x''"])
   apply(rule Assign')
   apply auto

lemma "t 
{λl s. l ''x'' = nat(s ''x'')}
 WHILE Less (N 0) (V ''x'')
 DO (''x'' ::= Plus (V ''x'') (N (-1));;
    (''y'' ::= V ''x'';;
     WHILE Less (N 0) (V ''y'') DO ''y'' ::= Plus (V ''y'') (N (-1))))
{λl s. s ''x''  0}"
apply(rule conseq)
prefer 2
 apply(rule While[where P = "λl s. l ''x'' = nat(s ''x'')" and x = "''x''"])
   apply auto
apply(rule Seq)
 prefer 2
 apply(rule Seq)
  prefer 2
  apply(rule weaken_post)
   apply(rule_tac P = "λl s. l ''x'' = nat(s ''x'')  l ''y'' = nat(s ''y'')" and x = "''y''" in While)
     apply(rule Assign')
     apply auto[4]
 apply(rule Assign)
apply(rule Assign')
apply auto
