Theory Trie_Fun

section ‹Tries via Functions›

theory Trie_Fun

text ‹A trie where each node maps a key to sub-tries via a function.
Nice abstract model. Not efficient because of the function space.›

datatype 'a trie = Nd bool "'a  'a trie option"

definition empty :: "'a trie" where
[simp]: "empty = Nd False (λ_. None)"

fun isin :: "'a trie  'a list  bool" where
"isin (Nd b m) [] = b" |
"isin (Nd b m) (k # xs) = (case m k of None  False | Some t  isin t xs)"

fun insert :: "'a list  'a trie  'a trie" where
"insert [] (Nd b m) = Nd True m" |
"insert (x#xs) (Nd b m) =
   (let s = (case m x of None  empty | Some t  t) in Nd b (m(x := Some(insert xs s))))"

fun delete :: "'a list  'a trie  'a trie" where
"delete [] (Nd b m) = Nd False m" |
"delete (x#xs) (Nd b m) = Nd b
   (case m x of
      None  m |
      Some t  m(x := Some(delete xs t)))"

text ‹Use (a tuned version of) @{const isin} as an abstraction function:›

lemma isin_case: "isin (Nd b m) xs =
  (case xs of
   []  b |
   x # ys  (case m x of None  False | Some t  isin t ys))"
by(cases xs)auto

definition set :: "'a trie  'a list set" where
[simp]: "set t = {xs. isin t xs}"

lemma isin_set: "isin t xs = (xs  set t)"
by simp

lemma set_insert: "set (insert xs t) = set t  {xs}"
by (induction xs t rule: insert.induct)
   (auto simp: isin_case split!: if_splits option.splits list.splits)

lemma set_delete: "set (delete xs t) = set t - {xs}"
by (induction xs t rule: delete.induct)
   (auto simp: isin_case split!: if_splits option.splits list.splits)

interpretation S: Set
where empty = empty and isin = isin and insert = insert and delete = delete
and set = set and invar = "λ_. True"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case 1 show ?case by (simp add: isin_case split: list.split)
  case 2 show ?case by(rule isin_set)
  case 3 show ?case by(rule set_insert)
  case 4 show ?case by(rule set_delete)
qed (rule TrueI)+
