Theory Redex

(*  Title:      ZF/Resid/Redex.thy
    Author:     Ole Rasmussen, University of Cambridge

theory Redex imports ZF begin
  redexes     :: i

  "redexes" = Var ("n  nat")            
            | Fun ("t  redexes")
            | App ("b  bool","f  redexes", "a  redexes")

  Ssub  :: "i"
  Scomp :: "i"
  Sreg  :: "i"

  Ssub_rel  (infixl  70) where
  "a  b  a,b  Ssub"

  Scomp_rel  (infixl  70) where
  "a  b  a,b  Scomp"

  "regular(a)  a  Sreg"

consts union_aux        :: "ii"
primrec (*explicit lambda is required because both arguments of "⊔" vary*)
  "union_aux(Var(n)) =
     (λt  redexes. redexes_case(λj. Var(n), λx. 0, λb x y.0, t))"

  "union_aux(Fun(u)) =
     (λt  redexes. redexes_case(λj. 0, λy. Fun(union_aux(u)`y),
                                  λb y z. 0, t))"

  "union_aux(App(b,f,a)) =
     (λt  redexes.
        redexes_case(λj. 0, λy. 0,
                     λc z u. App(b or c, union_aux(f)`z, union_aux(a)`u), t))"

  union  (infixl  70) where
  "u  v  union_aux(u)`v"

  domains       "Ssub"  "redexes*redexes"
    Sub_Var:     "n  nat  Var(n)  Var(n)"
    Sub_Fun:     "u  v Fun(u)  Fun(v)"
    Sub_App1:    "u1  v1; u2  v2; b  bool   
                     App(0,u1,u2)  App(b,v1,v2)"
    Sub_App2:    "u1  v1; u2  v2 App(1,u1,u2)  App(1,v1,v2)"
  type_intros    redexes.intros bool_typechecks

  domains       "Scomp"  "redexes*redexes"
    Comp_Var:    "n  nat  Var(n)  Var(n)"
    Comp_Fun:    "u  v Fun(u)  Fun(v)"
    Comp_App:    "u1  v1; u2  v2; b1  bool; b2  bool
                   App(b1,u1,u2)  App(b2,v1,v2)"
  type_intros    redexes.intros bool_typechecks

  domains       "Sreg"  redexes
    Reg_Var:     "n  nat  regular(Var(n))"
    Reg_Fun:     "regular(u) regular(Fun(u))"
    Reg_App1:    "regular(Fun(u)); regular(v)regular(App(1,Fun(u),v))"
    Reg_App2:    "regular(u); regular(v)regular(App(0,u,v))"
  type_intros    redexes.intros bool_typechecks

declare redexes.intros [simp]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    Specialisation of comp-rules                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemmas compD1 [simp] = Scomp.dom_subset [THEN subsetD, THEN SigmaD1]
lemmas compD2 [simp] = Scomp.dom_subset [THEN subsetD, THEN SigmaD2]
lemmas regD [simp] = Sreg.dom_subset [THEN subsetD]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    Equality rules for union                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma union_Var [simp]: "n  nat  Var(n)  Var(n)=Var(n)"
by (simp add: union_def)

lemma union_Fun [simp]: "v  redexes  Fun(u)  Fun(v) = Fun(u  v)"
by (simp add: union_def)
lemma union_App [simp]:
     "b2  bool; u2  redexes; v2  redexes
       App(b1,u1,v1)  App(b2,u2,v2)=App(b1 or b2,u1  u2,v1  v2)"
by (simp add: union_def)

lemma or_1_right [simp]: "a or 1 = 1"
by (simp add: or_def cond_def) 

lemma or_0_right [simp]: "a  bool  a or 0 = a"
by (simp add: or_def cond_def bool_def, auto) 

declare Ssub.intros [simp]
declare bool_typechecks [simp]
declare Sreg.intros [simp]
declare Scomp.intros [simp]

declare Scomp.intros [intro]

inductive_cases [elim!]:
  "Fun(u)  Fun(t)"
  "u  Fun(t)"
  "u  Var(n)"
  "u  App(b,t,a)"
  "Fun(t)  v"
  "App(b,f,a)  v"
  "Var(n)  u"

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    comp proofs                                                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma comp_refl [simp]: "u  redexes  u  u"
by (erule redexes.induct, blast+)

lemma comp_sym: "u  v  v  u"
by (erule Scomp.induct, blast+)

lemma comp_sym_iff: "u  v  v  u"
by (blast intro: comp_sym)

lemma comp_trans [rule_format]: "u  v  w. v  wu  w"
by (erule Scomp.induct, blast+)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*   union proofs                                                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma union_l: "u  v  u  (u  v)"
apply (erule Scomp.induct)
apply (erule_tac [3] boolE, simp_all)

lemma union_r: "u  v  v  (u  v)"
apply (erule Scomp.induct)
apply (erule_tac [3] c = b2 in boolE, simp_all)

lemma union_sym: "u  v  u  v = v  u"
by (erule Scomp.induct, simp_all add: or_commute)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*      regular proofs                                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma union_preserve_regular [rule_format]:
     "u  v  regular(u)  regular(v)  regular(u  v)"
  by (erule Scomp.induct, auto)
