File ‹~~/src/Tools/Argo/argo_thy.ML›
signature ARGO_THY =
type context
val context: context
val add_atom: Argo_Term.term -> context -> Argo_Lit.literal option * context
val prepare: context -> context
val assume: Argo_Common.literal -> context -> Argo_Lit.literal Argo_Common.implied * context
val check: context -> Argo_Lit.literal Argo_Common.implied * context
val explain: Argo_Lit.literal -> context -> Argo_Cls.clause * context
val add_level: context -> context
val backtrack: context -> context
structure Argo_Thy: ARGO_THY =
type context = Argo_Cc.context * Argo_Simplex.context
val context = (Argo_Cc.context, Argo_Simplex.context)
fun map_cc f (cc, simplex) =
let val (x, cc) = f cc
in (x, (cc, simplex)) end
fun map_simplex f (cc, simplex) =
let val (x, simplex) = f simplex
in (x, (cc, simplex)) end
fun add_atom t (cc, simplex) =
val (lit1, cc) = Argo_Cc.add_atom t cc
val (lit2, simplex) = Argo_Simplex.add_atom t simplex
(case fold (union Argo_Lit.eq_lit o the_list) [lit1, lit2] [] of
[] => (NONE, (cc, simplex))
| [lit] => (SOME lit, (cc, simplex))
| _ => raise Fail "unsynchronized theory solvers")
fun prepare (cc, simplex) = (cc, Argo_Simplex.prepare simplex)
exception CONFLICT of Argo_Cls.clause * context
datatype tag = All | Cc | Simplex
fun apply f cx =
(case f cx of
(Argo_Common.Conflict cls, cx) => raise CONFLICT (cls, cx)
| (Argo_Common.Implied lits, cx) => (lits, cx))
fun with_lits tag f (txs, lits, cx) =
let val (lits', cx) = f cx
in (fold (fn l => cons (tag, (l, NONE))) lits' txs, union Argo_Lit.eq_lit lits' lits, cx) end
fun apply0 (tag, f) = with_lits tag (apply f)
fun apply1 (tag, f) (tag', x) = if tag <> tag' then with_lits tag (apply (f x)) else I
val assumes = [(Cc, map_cc o Argo_Cc.assume), (Simplex, map_simplex o Argo_Simplex.assume)]
val checks = [(Cc, map_cc Argo_Cc.check), (Simplex, map_simplex Argo_Simplex.check)]
fun propagate ([], lits, cx) = (Argo_Common.Implied lits, cx)
| propagate (txs, lits, cx) = propagate (fold_product apply1 assumes txs ([], lits, cx))
fun assume lp cx = propagate ([(All, lp)], [], cx)
handle CONFLICT (cls, cx) => (Argo_Common.Conflict cls, cx)
fun check cx = propagate (fold apply0 checks ([], [], cx))
handle CONFLICT (cls, cx) => (Argo_Common.Conflict cls, cx)
fun explain lit (cc, simplex) =
(case Argo_Cc.explain lit cc of
SOME (cls, cc) => (cls, (cc, simplex))
| NONE =>
(case Argo_Simplex.explain lit simplex of
SOME (cls, simplex) => (cls, (cc, simplex))
| NONE => raise Fail "bad literal without explanation"))
fun add_level (cc, simplex) = (Argo_Cc.add_level cc, Argo_Simplex.add_level simplex)
fun backtrack (cc, simplex) = (Argo_Cc.backtrack cc, Argo_Simplex.backtrack simplex)