File ‹Tools/monomorph.ML›
signature MONOMORPH =
val typ_has_tvars: typ -> bool
val all_schematic_consts_of: term -> typ list Symtab.table
val add_schematic_consts_of: term -> typ list Symtab.table ->
typ list Symtab.table
val max_rounds: int Config.T
val max_new_instances: int Config.T
val max_thm_instances: int Config.T
val max_schematics: int Config.T
val max_new_const_instances_per_round: int Config.T
val max_duplicated_instances: int Config.T
val monomorph: (term -> typ list Symtab.table) -> Proof.context ->
(int * thm) list -> (int * thm) list list
structure Monomorph: MONOMORPH =
val typ_has_tvars = Term.exists_subtype (fn TVar _ => true | _ => false)
fun add_schematic_const (c as (_, T)) =
if typ_has_tvars T then Symtab.insert_list (op =) c else I
fun add_schematic_consts_of t =
Term.fold_aterms (fn Const c => add_schematic_const c | _ => I) t
fun all_schematic_consts_of t = add_schematic_consts_of t Symtab.empty
fun clear_grounds grounds = (K (K [])) grounds
val max_rounds = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_rounds› (K 5)
val max_new_instances =
Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_new_instances› (K 500)
val max_thm_instances =
Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_thm_instances› (K 20)
val max_schematics =
Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_schematics› (K 1000)
val max_new_const_instances_per_round =
Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_new_const_instances_per_round› (K 5)
val max_duplicated_instances =
Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹monomorph_max_duplicated_instances› (K 16000)
fun limit_rounds ctxt f =
val max = Config.get ctxt max_rounds
fun round i x = if i > max then x else round (i + 1) (f ctxt i x)
in round 1 end
datatype thm_info =
Ground of thm |
Ignored |
Schematic of {
id: int,
theorem: thm,
tvars: (indexname * sort) list,
schematics: (string * typ) list,
initial_round: int}
fun fold_grounds f = fold (fn Ground thm => f thm | _ => I)
fun fold_schematic f thm_info =
(case thm_info of
Schematic {id, theorem, tvars, schematics, initial_round} =>
f id theorem tvars schematics initial_round
| _ => I)
fun fold_schematics pred f =
fun apply id thm tvars schematics initial_round x =
if pred initial_round then f id thm tvars schematics x else x
in fold (fold_schematic apply) end
fun groundable all_tvars schematics =
let val tvars' = Symtab.fold (fold Term.add_tvarsT o snd) schematics []
in forall (member (op =) tvars') all_tvars end
fun prepare schematic_consts_of rthms =
fun prep (initial_round, thm) ((id, idx), consts) =
if Term.exists_type typ_has_tvars (Thm.prop_of thm) then
val thm' = Thm.incr_indexes idx thm
val idx' = Thm.maxidx_of thm' + 1
val tvars = Term.add_tvars (Thm.prop_of thm') []
val schematics = schematic_consts_of (Thm.prop_of thm')
val schematics' =
Symtab.fold (fn (n, Ts) => fold (cons o pair n) Ts) schematics []
val consts' =
|> Symtab.fold (fn (n, _) => Symtab.update (n, [])) schematics
val thm_info =
if not (groundable tvars schematics) then Ignored
Schematic {
id = id,
theorem = thm',
tvars = tvars,
schematics = schematics',
initial_round = initial_round}
in (thm_info, ((id + 1, idx'), consts')) end
else (Ground thm, ((id + 1, idx + Thm.maxidx_of thm + 1), consts))
fold_map prep rthms ((0, 0), Symtab.empty) ||> snd
fun instantiate ctxt subst =
fun cert (ix, (S, T)) = ((ix, S), Thm.ctyp_of ctxt T)
fun cert' subst = Vartab.fold (cons o cert) subst []
in Thm.instantiate (TVars.make (cert' subst), Vars.empty) end
fun add_new_grounds used_grounds new_grounds thm =
fun mem tab (n, T) = member (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list tab n) T
fun add (Const (c as (n, _))) =
if mem used_grounds c orelse mem new_grounds c then I
else if not (Symtab.defined used_grounds n) then I
else Symtab.insert_list (op =) c
| add _ = I
in Term.fold_aterms add (Thm.prop_of thm) end
fun add_insts max_instances max_duplicated_instances max_thm_insts max_schematics ctxt round
used_grounds new_grounds id thm tvars schematics cx =
exception ENOUGH of
typ list Symtab.table * (int * int * ((int * (sort * typ) Vartab.table) * thm) list Inttab.table)
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
fun add subst (cx as (next_grounds, (hits, misses, insts))) =
if hits >= max_instances orelse misses >= max_duplicated_instances then
raise ENOUGH cx
val thm' = instantiate ctxt subst thm
val rthm = ((round, subst), thm')
val rthms = Inttab.lookup_list insts id
val n_insts' =
if member (eq_snd Thm.eq_thm) rthms rthm then
(hits, misses + 1, insts)
val (hits', misses') =
if length rthms >= max_thm_insts then (hits, misses + 1) else (hits + 1, misses)
(hits', misses', Inttab.cons_list (id, rthm) insts)
val next_grounds' =
add_new_grounds used_grounds new_grounds thm' next_grounds
in (next_grounds', n_insts') end
fun with_grounds (n, T) f subst (n', Us) =
fun matching U =
(case try (Sign.typ_match thy (T, U)) subst of
| SOME subst' => f subst')
in if n = n' then fold matching Us else I end
fun with_matching_ground c subst f =
Symtab.fold (with_grounds c (f true) subst) new_grounds #>
Symtab.fold (with_grounds c (f false) subst) used_grounds
fun is_complete subst =
subset (op =) (tvars, Vartab.fold (cons o apsnd fst) subst [])
fun for_schematics _ [] _ = I
| for_schematics used_new (c :: cs) subst =
with_matching_ground c subst (fn new => fn subst' =>
if is_complete subst' then
if used_new orelse new then add subst'
else I
else for_schematics (used_new orelse new) cs subst') #>
for_schematics used_new cs subst
if length schematics > max_schematics then cx
else for_schematics false schematics Vartab.empty cx
handle ENOUGH cx' => cx'
fun is_new round initial_round = (round = initial_round)
fun is_active round initial_round = (round > initial_round)
fun find_instances max_instances max_duplicated_instances max_thm_insts max_schematics
max_new_grounds thm_infos ctxt round (known_grounds, new_grounds0, insts) =
val new_grounds = (fn _ => fn grounds =>
if length grounds <= max_new_grounds then grounds
else take max_new_grounds (sort Term_Ord.typ_ord grounds)) new_grounds0
val add_new = add_insts max_instances max_duplicated_instances max_thm_insts max_schematics
ctxt round
fun consider_all pred f (cx as (_, (hits, misses, _))) =
if hits >= max_instances orelse misses >= max_duplicated_instances then
fold_schematics pred f thm_infos cx
val known_grounds' = Symtab.merge_list (op =) (known_grounds, new_grounds)
val empty_grounds = clear_grounds known_grounds'
val (new_grounds', insts') =
(Symtab.empty, insts)
|> consider_all (is_active round) (add_new known_grounds new_grounds)
|> consider_all (is_new round) (add_new empty_grounds known_grounds')
(known_grounds', new_grounds', insts')
fun add_ground_types thm =
let fun add (n, T) = Symtab.map_entry n (insert (op =) T)
in Term.fold_aterms (fn Const c => add c | _ => I) (Thm.prop_of thm) end
fun collect_instances ctxt max_thm_insts max_schematics max_new_grounds thm_infos consts =
val known_grounds = fold_grounds add_ground_types thm_infos consts
val empty_grounds = clear_grounds known_grounds
val max_instances = Config.get ctxt max_new_instances
|> fold (fn Schematic _ => Integer.add 1 | _ => I) thm_infos
val max_duplicated_instances = Config.get ctxt max_duplicated_instances
val (_, _, (_, _, insts)) =
limit_rounds ctxt (find_instances max_instances max_duplicated_instances max_thm_insts
max_schematics max_new_grounds thm_infos)
(empty_grounds, known_grounds, (0, 0, Inttab.empty))
fun size_of_subst subst =
Vartab.fold (Integer.add o size_of_typ o snd o snd) subst 0
fun subst_ord subst = int_ord (apply2 size_of_subst subst)
fun instantiated_thms _ _ (Ground thm) = [(0, thm)]
| instantiated_thms _ _ Ignored = []
| instantiated_thms max_thm_insts insts (Schematic {id, ...}) =
Inttab.lookup_list insts id
|> (fn rthms =>
if length rthms <= max_thm_insts then rthms
else take max_thm_insts (sort (prod_ord int_ord subst_ord o apply2 fst) rthms))
|> map (apfst fst)
fun monomorph schematic_consts_of ctxt rthms =
val max_thm_insts = Config.get ctxt max_thm_instances
val max_schematics = Config.get ctxt max_schematics
val max_new_grounds = Config.get ctxt max_new_const_instances_per_round
val (thm_infos, consts) = prepare schematic_consts_of rthms
val insts =
if Symtab.is_empty consts then
collect_instances ctxt max_thm_insts max_schematics max_new_grounds thm_infos consts
in map (instantiated_thms max_thm_insts insts) thm_infos end