File ‹Tools/SMT/smt_systems.ML›

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_systems.ML
    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen

Setup SMT solvers.

signature SMT_SYSTEMS =
  val cvc_extensions: bool Config.T
  val z3_extensions: bool Config.T

structure SMT_Systems: SMT_SYSTEMS =

val mashN = "mash"
val mepoN = "mepo"
val meshN = "mesh"

(* helper functions *)

fun check_tool var () =
  (case getenv var of
    "" => NONE
  | s =>
      if File.is_file (Path.variable var |> Path.expand |> Path.platform_exe)
      then SOME [s] else NONE);

fun make_avail name () = getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER") <> ""

fun make_command name () = [getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER")]

fun outcome_of unsat sat unknown timeout solver_name line =
  if String.isPrefix unsat line then SMT_Solver.Unsat
  else if String.isPrefix sat line then SMT_Solver.Sat
  else if String.isPrefix unknown line then SMT_Solver.Unknown
  else if String.isPrefix timeout line then SMT_Solver.Time_Out
  else raise SMT_Failure.SMT (SMT_Failure.Other_Failure ("Solver " ^ quote solver_name ^
    " failed -- enable tracing using the " ^ quote (Config.name_of SMT_Config.trace) ^
    " option for details"))

(* When used with bitvectors, CVC4 can produce error messages like:

$ISABELLE_TMP_PREFIX/... No set-logic command was given before this point.

These message should be ignored.
fun is_blank_or_error_line "" = true
  | is_blank_or_error_line s =
  String.isPrefix "(error " s orelse String.isPrefix (getenv "ISABELLE_TMP_PREFIX") s

fun on_first_line test_outcome solver_name lines =
    val split_first = (fn [] => ("", []) | l :: ls => (l, ls))
    val (l, ls) = split_first (drop_prefix is_blank_or_error_line lines)
  in (test_outcome solver_name l, ls) end

fun on_first_non_unsupported_line test_outcome solver_name lines =
  on_first_line test_outcome solver_name (filter (curry (op <>) "unsupported") lines)

(* CVC4 and cvc5 *)

val cvc_extensions = Attrib.setup_config_bool bindingcvc_extensions (K false)

  fun cvc4_options ctxt =
     "--random-seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
     "--lang=smt2"] @
    (case SMT_Config.get_timeout ctxt of
      NONE => []
    | SOME t => ["--tlimit", string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds t)])

  fun cvc5_options ctxt =
     "--sat-random-seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
     "--lang=smt2"] @
    (case SMT_Config.get_timeout ctxt of
      NONE => []
    | SOME t => ["--tlimit", string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds t)])

  fun select_class ctxt =
    if Config.get ctxt cvc_extensions then
      if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.higher_order then
      if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.higher_order then
      else if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.native_bv then

val cvc4: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "cvc4",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "CVC4",
  command = make_command "CVC4",
  options = cvc4_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-unsat-cores", "true")],
  good_slices =
    (* FUDGE *)
    [((2, false, false, 512, meshN), ["--full-saturate-quant", "--inst-when=full-last-call", "--inst-no-entail", "--term-db-mode=relevant", "--multi-trigger-linear"]),
     ((2, false, false, 64, meshN), ["--decision=internal", "--simplification=none", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, true, 256, mepoN), ["--trigger-sel=max", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 1024, meshN), ["--relevant-triggers", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 32, meshN), ["--term-db-mode=relevant", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 128, meshN), ["--no-e-matching", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 256, meshN), ["--finite-model-find", "--fmf-inst-engine"])],
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" "timeout"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K CVC_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = NONE }

val cvc5: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "cvc5",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "CVC5",
  command = make_command "CVC5",
  options = cvc5_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-unsat-cores", "true")],
  good_slices =
    (* FUDGE *)
    [((2, false, false, 512, meshN), ["--full-saturate-quant", "--inst-when=full-last-call", "--inst-no-entail", "--term-db-mode=relevant", "--multi-trigger-linear"]),
     ((2, false, false, 64, meshN), ["--decision=internal", "--simplification=none", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, true, 256, mepoN), ["--trigger-sel=max", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 1024, meshN), ["--relevant-triggers", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 32, meshN), ["--term-db-mode=relevant", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 128, meshN), ["--no-e-matching", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 256, meshN), ["--finite-model-find", "--fmf-inst-engine"])],
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" "timeout"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K CVC_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = NONE }

We need different options for alethe proof production by cvc5 and the smt_options
cannot be changed, so different configuration.
val cvc5_proof: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "cvc5_proof",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "CVC5",
  command = make_command "CVC5",
  options = cvc5_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
  good_slices =
    (* FUDGE *)
    [((2, false, false, 512, meshN), ["--full-saturate-quant", "--inst-when=full-last-call", "--inst-no-entail", "--term-db-mode=relevant", "--multi-trigger-linear"]),
     ((2, false, false, 64, meshN), ["--decision=internal", "--simplification=none", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, true, 256, mepoN), ["--trigger-sel=max", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 1024, meshN), ["--relevant-triggers", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 32, meshN), ["--term-db-mode=relevant", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 128, meshN), ["--no-e-matching", "--full-saturate-quant"]),
     ((2, false, false, 256, meshN), ["--finite-model-find", "--fmf-inst-engine"])],
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" "timeout"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K CVC_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = SOME CVC5_Replay.replay }


(* veriT *)

  fun select_class ctxt =
    if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.higher_order then

  fun veriT_options ctxt =
    "--disable-banner"] @
    Verit_Strategies.veriT_current_strategy (Context.Proof ctxt) @
    (case SMT_Config.get_timeout ctxt of
      NONE => []
    | SOME t => ["--max-time=" ^ string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds t)])

val veriT: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "verit",
  class = select_class,
  avail = is_some o check_tool "ISABELLE_VERIT",
  command = the o check_tool "ISABELLE_VERIT",
  options = veriT_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
  good_slices =
    (* FUDGE *)
    [((2, false, false, 1024, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 512, mashN), []),
     ((2, false, true, 128, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 64, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 256, mepoN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 32, meshN), [])],
  outcome = on_first_non_unsupported_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" "Time limit exceeded"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K Lethe_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = SOME Verit_Replay.replay }


(* Z3 *)

val z3_extensions = Attrib.setup_config_bool bindingz3_extensions (K false)

  fun z3_options ctxt =
    ["smt.random_seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
     "smt.refine_inj_axioms=false"] @
    (case SMT_Config.get_timeout ctxt of
      NONE => []
    | SOME t => ["-T:" ^ string_of_int (Real.ceil (Time.toReal t))]) @

  fun select_class ctxt =
    if Config.get ctxt z3_extensions then Z3_Interface.smtlib_z3C
    else if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.native_bv then SMTLIB_Interface.bvsmlibC
    else SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC

val z3: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "z3",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "Z3",
  command = make_command "Z3",
  options = z3_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
  good_slices =
    (* FUDGE *)
    [((2, false, false, 1024, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 512, mepoN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 64, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, true, 256, meshN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 128, mashN), []),
     ((2, false, false, 32, meshN), [])],
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" "timeout"),
  parse_proof = SOME Z3_Replay.parse_proof,
  replay = SOME Z3_Replay.replay }


(* smt tactic *)
val parse_smt_options =
    (Args.parens ( -- Scan.option (keyword, |-- >> apfst SOME)
    (NONE, NONE)

fun smt_method ((solver, stgy), thms) ctxt facts =
    val default_solver = SMT_Config.solver_of ctxt
    val solver =
      (case solver of
        NONE => default_solver
      | SOME "cvc5" => "cvc5_proof"
      | SOME a => a)
    val _ = 
      if solver = "z3" andalso stgy <> NONE
      then warning ("No strategy is available for z3. Ignoring " ^ quote (the stgy)) 
      else ()
    val ctxt =
      |> (if stgy <> NONE then Context.proof_map (Verit_Strategies.select_veriT_stgy (the stgy)) else I)
      |> Context.Proof
      |> SMT_Config.select_solver solver
      |> Context.proof_of
    HEADGOAL (SOLVED' (SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt (thms @ facts)))

val _ =
    (Method.setup bindingsmt
      (Scan.lift parse_smt_options -- Attrib.thms >> (METHOD oo smt_method))
      "Call to the SMT solver veriT or z3")

(* overall setup *)

val _ = Theory.setup (
  SMT_Solver.add_solver cvc4 #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver cvc5 #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver cvc5_proof #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver veriT #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver z3)
