The R package polyCub implements cubature (numerical integration) over polygonal domains. It solves the problem of integrating a continuously differentiable function f(x,y) over simple closed polygons.
For the special case of a rectangular domain along the axes, the package
is more appropriate (cf.
CRAN Task View: Numerical Mathematics
The integration domain is described by a polygonal boundary (or multiple polygons, including holes). Various R packages for spatial data analysis provide classes for polygons. The implementations differ in vertex order (which direction represents a hole) and if the first vertex is repeated.
All of polyCub’s cubature methods understand
from package spatstat.geom,
from gpclib,
from package sp, and
from package sf.
Internally, polyCub uses its auxiliary xylist()
function to extract
a plain list of lists of vertex coordinates from these classes,
such that vertices are ordered anticlockwise (for exterior boundaries)
and the first vertex is not repeated (i.e., the "owin"
The following cubature methods are implemented in polyCub:
: Product Gauss cubature
: Two-dimensional midpoint rule
: Adaptive cubature for radially symmetric functions
(currently disabled): Accurate integration of the
bivariate Gaussian density
The following section details and illustrates the different cubature methods.
We consider the integration of a function f(x,y) which all of the above cubature methods can handle: an isotropic zero-mean Gaussian density. polyCub expects the integrand f to take a two-column coordinate matrix as its first argument (as opposed to separate arguments for the x and y coordinates), so:
f <- function (s, sigma = 5)
exp(-rowSums(s^2)/2/sigma^2) / (2*pi*sigma^2)
We use a simple hexagon as polygonal integration domain,
here specified via an "xylist"
of vertex coordinates:
hexagon <- list(
list(x = c(7.33, 7.33, 3, -1.33, -1.33, 3),
y = c(-0.5, 4.5, 7, 4.5, -0.5, -3))
An image of the function and the integration domain can be produced using polyCub’s rudimentary (but convenient) plotting utility:
plotpolyf(hexagon, f, xlim = c(-8,8), ylim = c(-8,8))
The polyCub package provides an R-interfaced C-translation of “polygauss: Matlab code for Gauss-like cubature over polygons” (Sommariva and Vianello, 2013,, an algorithm described in Sommariva and Vianello (2007, BIT Numerical Mathematics, The cubature rule is based on Green’s integration formula and incorporates appropriately transformed weights and nodes of one-dimensional Gauss-Legendre quadrature in both dimensions, thus the name “product Gauss cubature”. It is exact for all bivariate polynomials if the number of cubature nodes is sufficiently large (depending on the degree of the polynomial).
For the above example, a reasonable approximation is already obtained
with degree nGQ = 3
of the one-dimensional Gauss-Legendre quadrature:
polyCub.SV(hexagon, f, nGQ = 3, plot = TRUE)
#> [1] 0.2741456
The involved nodes (displayed in the figure above) and weights can be
extracted by calling polyCub.SV()
with f = NULL
, e.g., to determine
the number of nodes:
nrow(polyCub.SV(hexagon, f = NULL, nGQ = 3)[[1]]$nodes)
#> [1] 72
For illustration, we create a variant of polyCub.SV()
which returns the number of function evaluations as an attribute:
polyCub.SVn <- function (polyregion, f, ..., nGQ = 20) {
nw <- polyCub.SV(polyregion, f = NULL, ..., nGQ = nGQ)
## nw is a list with one element per polygon of 'polyregion'
res <- sapply(nw, function (x)
c(result = sum(x$weights * f(x$nodes, ...)), nEval = nrow(x$nodes)))
structure(sum(res["result",]), nEval = sum(res["nEval",]))
polyCub.SVn(hexagon, f, nGQ = 3)
#> [1] 0.2741456
#> attr(,"nEval")
#> [1] 72
We can use this function to investigate how the accuracy of the
approximation depends on the degree nGQ
and the associated number of
cubature nodes:
for (nGQ in c(1:5, 10, 20)) {
result <- polyCub.SVn(hexagon, f, nGQ = nGQ)
cat(sprintf("nGQ = %2i: %.12f (n=%i)\n", nGQ, result, attr(result, "nEval")))
#> nGQ = 1: 0.285265369245 (n=12)
#> nGQ = 2: 0.274027610314 (n=36)
#> nGQ = 3: 0.274145638288 (n=72)
#> nGQ = 4: 0.274144768964 (n=120)
#> nGQ = 5: 0.274144773834 (n=180)
#> nGQ = 10: 0.274144773813 (n=660)
#> nGQ = 20: 0.274144773813 (n=2520)
The two-dimensional midpoint rule in polyCub is a simple wrapper
from package spatstat.geom.
In other words, the polygon is represented by a binary pixel image and
the integral is approximated as the sum of (pixel area * f(pixel midpoint))
over all pixels whose midpoint is part of the polygon.
To use polyCub.midpoint()
, we need to convert our polygon to
spatstat.geom’s “owin” class:
hexagon.owin <- owin(poly = hexagon)
Using a pixel size of eps = 0.5
(here yielding 270 pixels), we obtain:
polyCub.midpoint(hexagon.owin, f, eps = 0.5, plot = TRUE)
#> [1] 0.2736067
A radially symmetric function can be expressed in terms of
the distance r from its point of symmetry: f(r).
If the antiderivative of r times f(r), called intrfr()
, is
analytically available, Green’s theorem leads us to a cubature rule
which only needs one-dimensional numerical integration.
More specifically, intrfr()
will be integrate()
d along the edges of
the polygon. The mathematical details are given in
Meyer and Held (2014, The Annals of Applied Statistics,, Supplement B, Section 2.4).
For the bivariate Gaussian density f
defined above,
the integral from 0 to R of r*f(r)
is analytically available as:
intrfr <- function (R, sigma = 5)
(1 - exp(-R^2/2/sigma^2))/2/pi
With this information, we can apply the cubature rule as follows:
polyCub.iso(hexagon, intrfr = intrfr, center = c(0,0))
#> [1] 0.2741448
#> attr(,"abs.error")
#> [1] 3.043618e-15
Note that we do not even need the original function f
If intrfr()
is missing, it can be approximated numerically using
for r*f(r)
as well, but the overall integration will then
be much less efficient than product Gauss cubature.
Package polyCub exposes a C-version of polyCub.iso()
for use by other R packages (notably
surveillance) via
LinkingTo: polyCub
and #include <polyCubAPI.h>
This requires the intrfr()
function to be implemented in C as well. See
for an example.
This cubature method is currently disabled
It requires polygon triangulation originally performed using tristrip()
from the gpclib package;
unfortunately, it has become unavailable from mainstream repositories.
Abramowitz and Stegun (1972, Section 26.9, Example 9) offer a formula for
the integral of the bivariate Gaussian density over a triangle with one
vertex at the origin. This formula can be used after triangulation of
the polygonal domain.
The core of the formula is an integral of the bivariate Gaussian density
with zero mean, unit variance and some correlation over an infinite rectangle
[h, Inf] x [0, Inf], which can be computed accurately using pmvnorm()
from the mvtnorm package.
For the above example, we obtained:
polyCub.exact.Gauss(hexagon.owin, mean = c(0,0), Sigma = 5^2*diag(2))
#> [1] 0.2741448
#> attr(,"nEval")
#> [1] 48
#> attr(,"error")
#> [1] 4.6e-14
The required triangulation as well as the numerous calls of pmvnorm()
make this integration algorithm quite cumbersome. For large-scale
integration tasks, it is thus advisable to resort to the general-purpose
product Gauss cubature rule polyCub.SV()
Note: polyCub provides an auxiliary function circleCub.Gauss()
calculate the integral of an isotropic Gaussian density over a circular
domain (which requires nothing more than a single call of pchisq()
We use the last result from polyCub.exact.Gauss()
as a reference value and
tune the number of cubature nodes in polyCub.SV()
and polyCub.midpoint()
until the absolute error is below .
This leads to nGQ = 4
for product Gauss cubature
and a 1200 x 1200 pixel image for the midpoint rule.
For polyCub.iso()
, we keep the default tolerance levels of integrate()
For comparison, we also run polyCub.iso()
without the analytically derived
function, which leads to a double-integrate
The median runtimes [ms] of the different cubature methods are given below.
benchmark <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
SV = polyCub.SV(hexagon.owin, f, nGQ = 4),
midpoint = polyCub.midpoint(hexagon.owin, f, dimyx = 1200),
iso = polyCub.iso(hexagon.owin, intrfr = intrfr, center = c(0,0)),
iso_double_approx = polyCub.iso(hexagon.owin, f, center = c(0,0)),
exact = polyCub.exact.Gauss(hexagon.owin, mean = c(0,0), Sigma = 5^2*diag(2)),
times = 9,
check = function (values) all(abs(unlist(values) - 0.274144773813434) < 1e-8))
summary(benchmark, unit = "ms")[c("expr", "median")]
expr | median |
SV | 0.06 |
midpoint | 167.39 |
iso | 0.25 |
iso_double_approx | 4.24 |
exact | 7.49 |
The general-purpose SV-method is the clear winner of this small competition.
A disadvantage of that method is that the number of cubature nodes needs to be
tuned manually. This also holds for the midpoint rule, which is by far the
slowest option. In contrast, the “iso”-method for radially symmetric functions
is based on R’s integrate()
function, which implements automatic tolerance
levels. Furthermore, the “iso”-method can also be used with “spiky” integrands,
such as a heavy-tailed power-law kernel .