A collection of change-point localisation methods.

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Performs a series of offline and/or online change-point localisation algorithms for

  1. univariate mean
  2. univariate polynomials
  3. univariate and multivariate nonparametric settings
  4. high-dimensional covariances
  5. high-dimensional networks with and without missing values
  6. high-dimensional linear regression models
  7. high-dimensional vector autoregressive models
  8. high-dimensional self exciting point processes
  9. dependent dynamic nonparametric random dot product graphs
  10. robust univariate mean against adversarial attacks


Users must have a (C++) compiler installed on their machine that is compatible with R (e.g. Clang). The development version of changepoints from GitHub can be installed with:

## if not installed
## Install dependencies

## install.packages("devtools")


This is an example for offline univariate mean change point detection by l0 penalization:

## simulate data with true change points being 50, 100 and 150
y = c(rep(0, 50), rep(2, 50), rep(0, 50), rep(-2, 50)) + rnorm(200, mean = 0, sd = 1)
## estimate change points by l_0 penalization
gamma_set = c(0.01, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50) # possible value of tuning parameter
## perform cross-validation
DP_result = CV.search.DP.univar(y, gamma_set, delta = 5)
## estimate change points and perform local refinement
min_idx = which.min(DP_result$test_error)
cpt_DP_hat = unlist(DP_result$cpt_hat[[min_idx]])
cpt_DP_LR = local.refine.univar(cpt_DP_hat, y)

Alternatively, wild binary segmentation can also be performed:

## generate random intervals for WBS
intervals = WBS.intervals(M = 100, lower = 1, upper = 200)
## perform WBS
WBS_result = WBS.univar(y, 1, 200, intervals$Alpha, intervals$Beta, delta = 5)
## trim binary tree with threshold being 3
WBS_trimmed = thresholdBS(WBS_result, tau = 3)
## print the trimmed binary tree
print(WBS_trimmed$BS_tree_trimmed, "value")
## estimate change points and perform local refinement
cpt_WBS_hat = sort(WBS_trimmed$cpt_hat[,1])
cpt_BS_LR = local.refine.univar(cpt_WBS_hat, y)

wild binary segmentation with tuning parameter selected by information criteria :

WBS_CPD_result = tuneBSunivar(WBS_result, y)
WBS_CPD_LR = local.refine.univar(WBS_CPD_result$cpt, y)