#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-07-07

[00:23:08] <KillerWasp> zxrom: wifi dont work by years
[00:24:20] <KillerWasp> when is your last update?
[01:49:58] -!- abouvier has quit [Quit: kthxbye]
[01:50:14] -!- abouvier has joined #archlinux32
[05:39:48] <KitsuWhooa> you should probably open a bug report upstream
[05:39:55] <KitsuWhooa> ath5k works fine for me
[05:40:18] <KitsuWhooa> granted I haven't tested it with the arch32 kernel, but I do run a custom built one
[05:40:25] <KitsuWhooa> I'll do that when I get the chance
[08:23:10] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[08:23:11] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[08:23:11] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[08:23:11] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I fail to decive what is crappier: rust or LTO in gcc..
[08:23:21] <abaumann> KitsuWhooa: get well. :-)
[08:23:43] <abaumann> there is no hurry for this report. We also had years just not sending in one.
[08:23:48] <abaumann> as far as I know.
[08:24:26] <abaumann> the openssh situation is ok now, also a new kernel should be avaiable.. linux-api-headers is still a downgrade I don't quite understand, but I leave it like that for now.
[08:50:51] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[11:05:27] -!- Cthuutloops has joined #archlinux32
[11:06:07] <Cthuutloops> So i am having problems with my keyrings and cant seem to figure how to fix them.
[11:06:37] <Cthuutloops> Ive been going through the steps to fix keyrings on the downloads page of archlinux32.org but it keeps failing
[11:14:59] -!- hexagenic has joined #archlinux32
[11:45:47] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: note that nothing you wrote could inform an answer - you would need to give some details
[11:46:36] <bill-auger> what was the original problem? - then which commands did you run to try fixing it? - then what error messages did you see?
[11:48:44] <bill-auger> keyrings problems should be extremely rare and only rarely need manual intervention - it should be as simple as installing the latest keyring package - so you have the latest keyring package installed?
[11:50:49] <Cthuutloops> when i try to install just the keyring sudo pacman -S archlinux32-keyring it says keyring is corrupted (invaldid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
[11:51:36] <Cthuutloops> do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
[11:51:44] <bill-auger> in the worst case (perhaps the keyring is completely borked) there is the nuclear option https://wiki.parabola.nu
[11:51:45] <phrik> Title: Parabola Keyring - ParabolaWiki (at wiki.parabola.nu)
[11:51:52] <bill-auger> use that as a last resort only though - in this case, that probably would not help
[11:52:40] <bill-auger> maybe you have not upgraded in a long time? - you may need to import the signing key manually - i think it changed a few uears ago
[11:53:25] <Cthuutloops> ive been updating every few weeks, then all of a sudden it wont update
[11:53:47] <Cthuutloops> maybe ive been updating wrong ive been usign pacman -Syu
[11:55:06] <Cthuutloops> the install was with one of the isos that had the keyring issues, so maybe my keyring was never right?
[11:56:09] <bill-auger> the command is correct - `sudo pacman -S archlinux32-keyring` should never fail
[11:56:34] <Cthuutloops> looking at it closer im noticing that pacman is trying to reinstall the keyring-20240131-5.1
[11:56:37] <bill-auger> ok minor correction - `sudo pacman -Sy archlinux32-keyring` should never fail
[11:57:20] <Cthuutloops> it says the signature from "Andreas Baumann is unknown trust
[11:57:30] <bill-auger> frankly, if that command ever faills, it would indicate a bug, or your keyring is completely borked, which is unlikley
[11:57:43] <bill-auger> try this suggestion in my comment https://bugs.archlinux32.org
[11:57:44] <phrik> Title: FS#318 : [multiple]: Note: This key has expired! (at bugs.archlinux32.org)
[11:58:21] <bill-auger> whether or not that works, i would open a bug report, to see if anyone else can reproduce the problem
[12:02:30] <Cthuutloops> no writable keyring found when i try from that bug report
[12:03:09] <bill-auger> the curl commands under the "here is a quick-fix"?
[12:03:16] <Cthuutloops> yeah
[12:03:32] <bill-auger> those need to be run as root
[12:03:34] <Cthuutloops> gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg'
[12:03:35] <Cthuutloops> gpg: key 255A76DB9A12601A: 6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
[12:03:35] <Cthuutloops> gpg: no writable keyring found: Not found
[12:03:35] <Cthuutloops> gpg: error reading '[stdin]': General error
[12:03:35] <Cthuutloops> gpg: import from '[stdin]' failed: General error
[12:03:36] <Cthuutloops> gpg: Total number processed: 0
[12:03:42] <Cthuutloops> oh
[12:07:23] <bill-auger> can you say which version of the keyring is installed now - and which version you are trying to install?
[12:07:29] <Cthuutloops> hmmm that didnt work, maybe those keys in that bug are out of date now?
[12:07:47] <bill-auger> or open a bug report with those details - i think the maintainers should look into it
[12:07:50] <Cthuutloops> archlinux32-keyring-20240131-5.1
[12:08:05] <Cthuutloops> both installed and trying to install
[12:09:15] <bill-auger> if you have the latest keyring installed already, re-installing it is pointless
[12:09:42] <Cthuutloops> when i try to update with -Syu i can see a keyring that wants to install archlinux-keyring-20240609-1.0
[12:10:45] <Cthuutloops> then i get:
[12:10:48] <Cthuutloops> error: alsa-ucm-conf: signature from "TasosSah (Arch32 Package Signing Key) <arch32@tasossah.com>" is unknown trust
[12:10:48] <Cthuutloops> :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/alsa-ucm-conf-1.2.12-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
[12:10:48] <Cthuutloops> Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
[12:11:22] <bill-auger> ok that is what i asked - i think i know what your problem is
[12:12:24] <bill-auger> that is a very common problem - it is usually not a a bug though but you are doing it wrong
[12:13:00] <bill-auger> not your fault though, because it is not obvious - IMHO it is a deficientcy of pacman, that users need to be aware of
[12:13:52] <bill-auger> whenever you run `pacman -Syu`, if there is a new keyring among the new packages, you must install the keyring package separately first , then `pacman -Syu` after that is successful
[12:14:14] <Cthuutloops> oh thats interesting
[12:14:48] <bill-auger> so right now, you need to run `pacman -Sy archlinux32-keyring` - you can do nothing else until that works
[12:15:32] <bill-auger> that is what i assumed you were trying to do - if that does not work, we are back where i left off - you should open a bug report
[12:16:01] <bill-auger> because `pacman -Sy archlinux32-keyring` should never fail
[12:17:03] <Cthuutloops> you mean archlinux-keyring right cuz thats the one with the update archlinux32-keyring is fail
[12:17:18] <Cthuutloops> sudo pacman -Sy archlinux32-keyring 130 ↵
[12:17:18] <Cthuutloops> [sudo] password for Loops:
[12:17:18] <Cthuutloops> :: Synchronizing package databases...
[12:17:18] <Cthuutloops> core is up to date
[12:17:18] <Cthuutloops> extra is up to date
[12:17:19] <Cthuutloops> community is up to date
[12:17:21] <Cthuutloops> error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from 32.arlm.tyzoid.com : The requested URL returned error: 403
[12:17:24] <Cthuutloops> warning: archlinux32-keyring-20240131-5.1 is up to date -- reinstalling
[12:17:26] <Cthuutloops> resolving dependencies...
[12:17:28] <Cthuutloops> looking for conflicting packages...
[12:17:30] <Cthuutloops> Packages (1) archlinux32-keyring-20240131-5.1
[12:17:32] <Cthuutloops> Total Installed Size: 0.04 MiB
[12:17:36] <Cthuutloops> Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
[12:17:38] <Cthuutloops> :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
[12:17:40] <Cthuutloops> (1/1) checking keys in keyring [######################] 100%
[12:17:42] <Cthuutloops> (1/1) checking package integrity [######################] 100%
[12:17:44] <Cthuutloops> error: archlinux32-keyring: signature from "Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>" is unknown trust
[12:17:47] <Cthuutloops> :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux32-keyring-20240131-5.1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
[12:17:50] <Cthuutloops> Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
[12:18:50] <Cthuutloops> nvm archlinux-keyring is also failing D:
[12:19:12] <bill-auger> the rule applies to anykeyring - but archlinux-keyring is not cauing that problem
[12:19:59] <Cthuutloops> sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring 1 ↵
[12:19:59] <Cthuutloops> :: Synchronizing package databases...
[12:19:59] <Cthuutloops> core is up to date
[12:19:59] <Cthuutloops> extra is up to date
[12:19:59] <Cthuutloops> community is up to date
[12:20:00] <Cthuutloops> error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from 32.arlm.tyzoid.com : The requested URL returned error: 403
[12:20:03] <Cthuutloops> resolving dependencies...
[12:20:07] <Cthuutloops> looking for conflicting packages...
[12:20:09] <Cthuutloops> Packages (1) archlinux-keyring-20240609-1.0
[12:20:11] <Cthuutloops> Total Installed Size: 1.66 MiB
[12:20:13] <Cthuutloops> Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
[12:20:15] <Cthuutloops> :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
[12:20:17] <Cthuutloops> (1/1) checking keys in keyring [######################] 100%
[12:20:17] <bill-auger> that 403 s a different problem
[12:20:19] <Cthuutloops> (1/1) checking package integrity [######################] 100%
[12:20:21] <Cthuutloops> error: archlinux-keyring: signature from "TasosSah (Arch32 Package Signing Key) <arch32@tasossah.com>" is unknown trust
[12:20:24] <Cthuutloops> :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux-keyring-20240609-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
[12:20:27] <Cthuutloops> Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
[12:20:29] <Cthuutloops> error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
[12:20:31] <Cthuutloops> Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
[12:20:38] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: you should never paste that much tet into a chat
[12:20:44] <Cthuutloops> sorry
[12:20:57] <bill-auger> that is likely to get you kicked
[12:21:19] <bill-auger> use a pastbin is better
[12:21:19] <bill-auger> ok that i good information though
[12:21:47] <bill-auger> the problem with archlinux-keyring is the same - the bad key is TasosSah (Arch32 Package Signing Key)
[12:22:16] <bill-auger> i have had problems with that key every since TasosSah joined the team
[12:23:30] <Cthuutloops> any clue what to do?
[12:24:43] <bill-auger> yes but heres the deal - if i help you fix your problem on IRC, and no bug report is filed, the problem may still exist for all other users
[12:25:10] <Cthuutloops> deal so where do i put the bug report?
[12:25:16] <Cthuutloops> forums?
[12:25:21] <bill-auger> on the bug tracker website
[12:25:36] <bill-auger> same one i linked to to before https://bugs.archlinux32.org
[12:25:36] <phrik> Title: Archlinux32Arch Linux 32: Tasklist (at bugs.archlinux32.org)
[12:26:42] <bill-auger> if you open a bug report, i will respond to it with some suggestions - i will even fire up my VM and see if i can reproduce the problem
[12:27:00] <Cthuutloops> i dont see a way to comment on the report....
[12:27:25] <Cthuutloops> i did find that bug report while trying to search for this issue so thats a great idea tbh
[12:28:07] <Cthuutloops> okay so how do i open a bug report i dont see a way on bugs.archlinux32.org
[12:30:15] <bill-auger> "add new task"
[12:31:12] <Cthuutloops> oh i need a flyspray account
[12:32:01] <bill-auger> unfortunately, i could not reproduce the problem - but i may have done something to fix it in the past
[12:32:49] <Cthuutloops> Completely unexpected exception: Call to undefined function json_decode()
[12:32:49] <Cthuutloops> This should never happend, please inform Flyspray Developers
[12:32:57] <Cthuutloops> im having all the issues
[12:34:43] <bill-auger> well dont feel bad - probably none of these problems are your fault - this distro is more difficult to maintain than most, and is understaffed compared to the amount of work it takes - we must be forgiving
[12:35:41] <bill-auger> try this:
[12:35:41] <bill-auger> $ sudo pacman-key --updatedb
[12:38:45] <bill-auger> if that succeds (it should)
[12:38:45] <bill-auger> $ sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
[12:39:09] <KitsuWhooa> archlinux-keyring is built by us
[12:39:22] <KitsuWhooa> You need archlinux32-keyring working first
[12:39:35] <bill-auger> the latest arch32 keyring is installed
[12:39:47] <KitsuWhooa> None of the packages are signed by keys in it
[12:39:50] <KitsuWhooa> Shrug
[12:39:59] <KitsuWhooa> There's a reason we haven't figured this out yet :p
[12:40:05] <bill-auger> but your key is "unknown trust" - i have had that problem with your key ever since you joined the team
[12:40:18] <bill-auger> `pacman-key --updatedb` should maybe fix that
[12:40:59] <KitsuWhooa> It shouldn't be though
[12:41:04] <bill-auger> if the keyring is not signed by any key in the keyring, that is chicken-and-egg situation - so i guess Cthuutloops need to get the eggg first?
[12:41:05] <KitsuWhooa> It's in the keyring package, right?
[12:41:11] <KitsuWhooa> Yeah
[12:41:17] <bill-auger> <KitsuWhooa> None of the packages are signed by keys in it
[12:41:54] <KitsuWhooa> ?
[12:41:58] <bill-auger> KillerWasp: this was about a year or two wgo, but i inspected the keyring packages and your key was not init
[12:42:25] <KitsuWhooa> I was saying that you shouldn't need archlinux-keyring installed at all
[12:42:26] <bill-auger> when installing any of your packages, pacman needed to import the key from the network
[12:43:04] <bill-auger> oh that is maybe a quick fix - just uninstall archlinux-keyring
[12:43:47] <bill-auger> oh sry KillerWasp - tab complete did wrong thing
[12:44:44] <bill-auger> how ya doing Cthuutloops ?
[12:46:08] <KitsuWhooa> It shouldn't conflict either though
[12:47:10] <bill-auger> KitsuWhooa: Cthuutloops was unable to register on the bug tracker - can you address that? or remind someone else to look into it
[12:47:27] <KitsuWhooa> I can't right now, but I suspect it's a missing php module
[12:47:32] <KitsuWhooa> !remindme
[12:47:32] <phrik> KitsuWhooa: BLEEP BLOOP
[12:47:35] <KitsuWhooa> Thanks
[12:47:41] <KitsuWhooa> !list scheduler
[12:47:42] <phrik> KitsuWhooa: add, list, remind, remove, and repeat
[12:48:17] <Cthuutloops> sorry for the delay was submitting bug to flyspray and tried to submit this bug am trying now :D
[12:48:19] <KitsuWhooa> !apply s 7h
[12:48:20] <phrik> KitsuWhooa: Is that a question?
[12:48:49] <bill-auger> i do not see a new bug report
[12:48:51] <Cthuutloops> gpg: next trustdb check due at 2024-08-17
[12:49:01] <KitsuWhooa> !scheduler add [calc 3600*7] "reply look into fly spray"
[12:49:01] <phrik> KitsuWhooa: Tada! Event #2 added.
[12:49:19] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: thats good - try installing archlinux-keyring now
[12:49:31] <Cthuutloops> then tasosSah is unknown
[12:49:48] <bill-auger> if if does not work, you could just remove it - you probably do not need it
[12:49:53] <bill-auger> then pacman -Syu again
[12:50:04] <KitsuWhooa> How did it get to this point, anyway?
[12:50:15] <KitsuWhooa> Is this a fresh installation using the new iso?
[12:51:22] <bill-auger> no, not a new install
[12:51:22] <bill-auger> <Cthuutloops> ive been updating every few weeks, then all of a sudden it wont update
[12:52:30] <bill-auger> there is one cicumstance where i know the key can become untrusted
[12:52:59] <bill-auger> that is when the key in the keyring expires before a new keyring is installed
[12:53:21] <Cthuutloops> that feels like whats going on tbh
[12:53:28] <bill-auger> if that happens, even if the key gets renewed it will not be trusted anymore
[12:54:24] <bill-auger> but `pacman-key --updatedb` seems to be the correction for that
[12:54:36] <Cthuutloops> to make sure im doing it right whats the proper way to uninstall a keyring with pacman?
[12:54:41] <bill-auger> but that did not work for Cthuutloops so i dunno in this case
[12:54:50] <bill-auger> pacman -R
[12:55:06] <bill-auger> same as any other package
[12:55:59] <Cthuutloops> okay old archlinux keyring is 20240520
[12:56:55] <Cthuutloops> and after removing it is no trust
[12:57:11] <Cthuutloops> archlinux-keyring: signature from "TasosSah (Arch32 Package Signing Key) <arch32@tasossah.com>" is unknown trust
[12:58:32] <Cthuutloops> should i remake a usb install media and chroot into the current install and update keyrings that way?
[12:58:33] <bill-auger> no, forums are are discussions - bug trackers are for bugs
[12:58:49] <KitsuWhooa> Well, I know that my key never expires
[12:59:06] <Cthuutloops> yeah so i put an issue for flyspray on their github
[12:59:10] <KitsuWhooa> So if anything expired, it's a key that's used to trust mine
[12:59:26] <KitsuWhooa> Do not report bugs on arch upstream for archlinux-keyring
[12:59:35] <KitsuWhooa> If that's what you mean
[12:59:35] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: that statement makes not sense - after removing the keyring package, it should not check its signature again
[13:00:10] <Cthuutloops> where can i dump my terminal?
[13:00:15] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: yes dont conuse arch with arch32 or archarm or others - they are completely separate projects
[13:00:27] <bill-auger> i use termbin,com
[13:00:45] <bill-auger> any command | nc termbin.com 9999
[13:01:11] <bill-auger> actually better:
[13:01:11] <bill-auger> $ any command |& nc termbin.com 9999
[13:01:31] <Cthuutloops> nah i mean like showing you what i put and what i got back
[13:01:38] <bill-auger> that is how
[13:01:39] <Cthuutloops> so i dont spam irc
[13:01:47] <bill-auger> $ any command |& nc termbin.com 9999
[13:01:55] <Cthuutloops> but the commands are already done cant uninstall twice
[13:02:00] <bill-auger> that will return a URL - copy and paster that URL into IRC
[13:02:15] <bill-auger> oh then copy and paste the text into a file
[13:02:26] <bill-auger> $ cat that_file |& nc termbin.com 9999
[13:04:25] <Cthuutloops> https://termbin.com
[13:05:05] <bill-auger> ok no, i did not suggest to re-install archlinux-keyring - just uninstall it, and forget about it
[13:05:22] <bill-auger> just try to run `pacman -Syu` now
[13:05:33] <Cthuutloops> but why is it reccomended https://www.archlinux32.org to fix keyring issues?
[13:05:34] <phrik> Title: Arch Linux 32 (at www.archlinux32.org)
[13:07:23] <bill-auger> it maybe was needed in the past
[13:08:13] <Cthuutloops> still wont let me update and that termbin wont work on it says nc not found :O
[13:08:24] <KitsuWhooa> Very vaguely, I remember fixing this by nuking pacman's keyring directory and re initializing it from scratch
[13:08:26] <bill-auger> pacman -S gnu-netcat
[13:09:05] <Cthuutloops> no trust for that either D:
[13:09:18] <bill-auger> yes that is the nuclear option i already siggested - it is not a general fix though - if that is the only way to fix the keyring, something was very wrong
[13:09:43] <bill-auger> you must have mc though becuase you did paste to termbin once
[13:09:44] <Cthuutloops> the curls ?
[13:09:57] <bill-auger> yes maybe KitsuWhooa key is on the server
[13:09:59] <Cthuutloops> oh im sshed into it for easier typing
[13:10:10] <Cthuutloops> its an eeepc so hard to type on
[13:11:18] <bill-auger> i had one - i liked it
[13:11:53] <Cthuutloops> yeah i picked it up for cheap and wanna use it for ham radio digital modes :D
[13:12:18] <KitsuWhooa> <bill-auger> yes that is the nuclear option i already siggested - it is not a general fix though - if that is the only way to fix the keyring, something was very wrong <-- we did let some keys expire ages ago
[13:12:20] <bill-auger> $ pacman-key --list-keys arch32@tasossah.com
[13:12:20] <KitsuWhooa> That might be why
[13:13:01] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops: run that command - look for the key ID - mine shows 80EC18799E8BCD375C6E64ABE4D41569196B1160
[13:14:01] <bill-auger> yours shoud match - so run this as root:
[13:14:01] <bill-auger> # curl -Ss https://archlinux32.org | gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --import
[13:14:14] <Cthuutloops> 80EC18799E8BCD375C6E64ABE4D41569196B1160
[13:16:27] <Cthuutloops> should i look for anything on the output of that?
[13:16:43] <bill-auger> just an error 0 that should be successful
[13:17:17] <Cthuutloops> okay
[13:17:24] <bill-auger> i dont think it will fix anything though as that key has no expiration
[13:18:10] <bill-auger> you probably see from the previous command
[13:18:10] <bill-auger> uid [ marginal ] TasosSah (Arch32 Package Signing Key) <arch32@tasossah.com>
[13:18:23] <Cthuutloops> hmmmm im seeing another error in pacman now error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from 32.arlm.tyzoid.com : The requested URL returned error: 403
[13:18:24] <bill-auger> the goal is tp get 'marginal' to be 'full'
[13:18:37] <bill-auger> ok again, that would a completely different issue
[13:18:49] <bill-auger> just as severe though i suppose
[13:19:08] <bill-auger> try a different mirror
[13:20:37] <bill-auger> if the key was in the keyring package properly, `pacman-key --updatedb` would have changed 'marginal' to 'full'
[13:21:24] <Cthuutloops> gpg: next trustdb check due at 2024-08-17
[13:21:29] <Cthuutloops> is all im getting from that
[13:23:03] <bill-auger> oh yes i forgot, that works for me becuase i patched pacman-key for this reason
[13:24:28] <Cthuutloops> btw thanks for taking the time to work through this with me
[13:24:54] <bill-auger> np, ive been through this so many times - it took me years to understand this problem
[13:25:06] <bill-auger> if you want to try it, edit /usr/bin/pacman-key
[13:25:38] <bill-auger> find this LOC:
[13:25:38] <bill-auger> if ! "${GPG_PACMAN[@]}" --batch --check-trustdb; then
[13:25:48] <bill-auger> change it to:
[13:25:48] <bill-auger> if ! "${GPG_PACMAN[@]}" --batch --check-trustdb --yes ; then
[13:25:58] <bill-auger> (just adding --yes)
[13:26:08] <Cthuutloops> that forces the check?
[13:26:34] <bill-auger> it is harmless - it just forces the re-check even if the "next trustdb check" is not yet due
[13:27:00] <bill-auger> i made that mandatiry on parabola just for this reason, to ensure that expired keys get trusted again
[13:27:30] <bill-auger> they would eventually, after that "next trustdb check" date
[13:27:39] <bill-auger> thats my theory anyways - it seems to work so far
[13:29:12] <bill-auger> if that does not fix your problem, my theory is that the arch32 keyring does not have the key properly included (which was what i noticed a year or two ago when i inspected it)
[13:32:47] <Cthuutloops> line 613
[13:33:24] <bill-auger> not sure - it is in the updatedb() function
[13:33:48] <bill-auger> after --yes is in that command, `pacman-key --updatedb` should spew a lot of output
[13:34:11] <Cthuutloops> error trust database could not be updated
[13:34:29] <bill-auger> which command? did you run as root or sudo ?
[13:34:35] <Cthuutloops> sudo
[13:35:10] <bill-auger> that sounds bad
[13:35:28] <Cthuutloops> it says the public key of ultimately trusted key not found
[13:35:35] <bill-auger> i see that error only when running as unprivilieged user
[13:36:22] <Cthuutloops> hmmm
[13:36:57] <bill-auger> can you show that
[13:36:57] <bill-auger> sudo pacman-key --updatedb |& nc termbin.com 9999
[13:37:48] <Cthuutloops> https://termbin.com
[13:38:21] <bill-auger> you may need to go for the nuclear option - section 2 of this wiki https://wiki.parabola.nu
[13:38:24] <phrik> Title: Parabola Keyring - ParabolaWiki (at wiki.parabola.nu)
[13:39:15] <bill-auger> just leave out archlinux-keyring and parabola-keyring from the pacman command and leave out archlinux and parabola from the --populate command
[13:40:00] <Cthuutloops> what is parabola? some part of pacman?
[13:40:03] <bill-auger> if that does not fix your problem, there must be something wrong with the distro
[13:40:28] <bill-auger> parabola is the FSF-approved fork of arch
[13:40:55] <bill-auger> most of it's i686 port is pulled from arch32
[13:41:43] <Cthuutloops> that reminds me of when i signed up with FSF at a fair
[13:42:04] <bill-auger> so any problem with arch32 is also a problem for parabola users - that is why i am in this channel - it is in our benefit to cooperate with the upstreams
[13:42:05] <Cthuutloops> they wouldnt use card readers for payment and used a carbon copy
[13:42:58] <Cthuutloops> do they still issue membership cards with a bootable FSF approved os?
[13:43:11] <bill-auger> yes i have a few now
[13:43:30] <bill-auger> id never seen one until recently - its a very neat idea
[13:44:07] <Cthuutloops> i got an old one somewhere think it was right around the time gnu started hurd
[13:44:35] <bill-auger> no you must be confised about that - hurd was started in the 80s
[13:45:15] <Cthuutloops> well shipped i should of said
[13:48:34] <Cthuutloops> welp i think ima put a pin in this and try again later. ill try that resetting the keyring and see if i can put a bug report in once im able to get an account
[13:49:10] <Cthuutloops> thanks again for all the help, maybe we can get this fixed for good :D
[13:52:17] <bill-auger> happy hacking
[14:05:44] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: about of keyring, if you remember that you refresh all the broken keyring like several month ago, this affect even for users, i guess you must download the new iso and copy the keyring. About of the wifi, its already reported for the developers of the kernel (firmware kernel), and they response "nini" in other words.
[14:11:04] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:22:32] <bill-auger> i do not remember doing that - that maybe would not have affected parabola users - i always rebuild the archlinux32-keyring package becuase it has too many problems
[14:23:30] <bill-auger> its nothing new - archlinux32-keyring has had similarly serious proiblems since the arch32 distro was started
[14:30:15] <bill-auger> users should never need to run pacman-key, or import keys or the entire keyring manually, and pacman should not need to import keys from the network - again, we must be patient with this distro - they are doing a ot with a little - but these are all are plastering over flaws, which could be fixed
[14:33:29] <bill-auger> arch never has keyring issues - i think that is only because arch takes great care to ensure that there never are keyring problems
[14:34:28] <bill-auger> archarm also never has keyring issues but for the opposite reason - all packages are signed by the same key of the autobuilder, a key which never expires - they used the same keyring from 2021 until 2024
[14:35:06] <bill-auger> sry typo - they used the same keyring from 2014 until 2024
[14:35:57] <bill-auger> the keyring broke this year and had to be remade only because the algo was obsoleted upstream
[14:38:21] <bill-auger> two different approaches but both have a downside - the first requires diligance - the latter require almost no care, but it works becuase all packages are autobuilt and probalby never tested by a human before published
[14:42:23] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
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[15:13:39] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: Are the problems with keyring due more to a lack of knowledge about handling cryptography?
[15:13:55] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[15:34:33] <bill-auger> not really - no one understands crypto - i think all problems i have had with the arch32 heyring cuold be solved by creating a master key which never expires, and would be the only key which would ever sign any keyring package
[15:36:30] <bill-auger> if that was the case, i could add that key to the parabola keyring, and i would never need to rebuild the 'archlinux32-keyring' - it would probalby always just work
[15:38:04] <bill-auger> o/c there could be still problems with the keys in keyring, but the package itself would always be installable
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[19:00:39] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[19:00:40] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[19:00:40] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[19:00:41] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> blacklist is sort of -inf priority :-)
[19:02:28] <abaumann> um. the php74-json module was missing on the buildmaster. sorry for that. that account for json_encode.
[19:02:52] <abaumann> The message about informing the Flyspray devs is somewhat misleading. :-)
[19:03:25] <abaumann> The problem is, I cannot update to newer Php version at the moment on the buildmater, so I have to stick to php74 from the AUR.
[19:03:48] <abaumann> Just updated today. PECL/PEAR is currently broken, but we don't need any PECL/PEAR module as far as I know.
[19:04:04] <abaumann> now the keyring issues: first, check if time/date is correct on the machine
[19:05:37] <abaumann> new signing keys usually have to be imported once from the keyserver. Don't know why - because they should be in the archlinux32-keyring. maybe they are partially signed with a key of a TU, so it needs the magic 3 signing parties. This would mean, just for that you need also archlinux-keyring.
[19:06:44] <abaumann> On: 32.arlm.tyzoid.com, community. Please check mirrors and their sync state, some mirrors are way out of sync, so they didn't see the extra/community move yet it seems.
[19:10:09] <abaumann> on keyrings and so, I'm really not the expert and constantly struggling with the concepts and the tooling. :-)
[19:10:33] <abaumann> on a positive note, arch32 is now ressh-safe (I hope).
[19:11:12] <abaumann> Though, everybody running archlinux, 32-bit or no-failsave in place (or actually any combination of the three), is plain crazy and invites attacks. ;-)
[19:12:01] <abaumann> KitsuWhooa: there is no hurry for the SPI thingy, I think, it was late for this year already..
[19:13:18] <abaumann> bill-auger: thanks for help you provided to Cthuutloops :-)
[19:13:36] <abaumann> Cthuutloops: you should be able to register to Flyspray. Then we can take the keyring bug there..
[19:14:22] <abaumann> aeh.. and on another note: just bricked 2 of my machines with newer kernels, happy hunting missing SCSI firmware or kernel issues, I suppose. :-)
[19:15:04] <abaumann> My mirror archlinxu32.andreasbaumann.cc is a little bit lousy lately, the Raspberri Pi 2 shows its age, I suppose. Must also do something about that.
[19:18:25] <abaumann> I mean Archlinux32, 32-bit or no-failsafe above, just for the record. Typing without thinking and checking is one of my hobbies ;-)
[19:18:33] <abaumann> *no-fail2ban
[19:18:36] <abaumann> see ;-)
[19:18:45] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:31:43] <bill-auger> when trying to register, Cthuutloops got an error message "Completely unexpected exception: Call to undefined function json_decode()"
[19:32:46] <bill-auger> maybe the registration was successful, but the website failed to confirm to the user
[19:34:28] <bill-auger> or was trying to redirect back to the bug tracker
[19:35:09] <bill-auger> Cthuutloops did you try to login after you got that error message?
[19:49:02] <phrik> KitsuWhooa: look into fly spray
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[21:19:52] <Cthuutloops> I added the bug report https://bugs.archlinux32.org still catching up on irc messages
[21:19:53] <phrik> Title: FS#360 : Archlinux32-Keyring was trusted but became untrusted (at bugs.archlinux32.org)
[21:31:06] -!- hexagenic has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2]